Chapter 40

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Kate's POV


Blake and I woke up, got ready then headed out as soon as we were done. We had a long silent drive back to Rosevalley as both of us were still tired from the night before. We made love until we were both too tired to move then i apologised over and over again. Telling him just how regretful I am because it was my fault. I even threw some of the blame on my period since my hormones lead to all this as well. He had said, "it was fine and he wasn't upset at all. He was just giving me my space". To which I apologised even more.

However now, we were feeling the repercussion of our actions. I tried telling Blake that we could just skip today as well but he was insistent on just how important this semester is and how we should be in full attendance especially after missing a whole week. As though that wasn't his idea. Blake has changed so much. I never expected him to be someone who would start caring this much about school. He is an absolute genius plus he knows the principal on a personal level. His transcript would be gold to any university he wished to apply and his recommendation later would be no different. I on the other hand was also sure to get in to whichever school I applied. My papers wouldn't be as impressive as Blake's but it would be qualified nonetheless.

We got to the house dropped off the bags and were now making our way to school. Blake parked the car then we walked hand in hand to the school building. As soon as i reached the steps that led to the entrance of the building, memories of the last day of school flooded my brain. I was embarrassed.

What if they snickered? Mocked? Laughed or worse, bully me when Blake and i had parted. Especially Jess. This is the perfect opportunity for her to tell everyone how desperate I am.

"Blake can we not go?" I pleaded.

"We are already here come on" he said pulling me in the building.

I closed my eyes and then every hair on my body stood up. All my senses, sight excluded, were at 100%. I was scared.

I didn't think this would happen when I said all that to Blake. I just didn't want to lose him. With a deep shakey breath......

"Hi Kate" an unknown female voice said.

I opened my eyes.

I didnt recognise the girl so I gave a nervous wave.

More and more people started waving to me and looking at us. It wasn't their normal stares of fear whenever Blake was walking through. Neither, was it their glare or look of disgust when I normally walk pass. Nor was it even their occassional looks of shock or awe when Blake and I walked through together. They seemed genuinely friendly and eager to talk/ wave to me. It was bizzare.

Was this RoseValley or did I die and go to heaven?

Blake seemed unaware of everything and just walked normally only glancing at me when I held his hand tighter and walked even closer to him. Everything seemed so unreal.

Why were they all being this nice? Like they had stopped bullying me but they had just ignored my entire existence since then. But now however, they are being so friendly.

In class the teacher reminded us to hand in the homework that she gave last week on Wednesday and because I wasn't there; i asked her if she could tell me what it was. She said that I was supposed to copy it from my classmates. Like I usually do, i was prepared to beg her like my life depended on it. Since Blake wasn't in this class and I had no intention of bothering him or using his relationship with the principal to fix such a simple problem.

Almost everyone in class stood up and said that I could copy their's. Then a girl i seriously didn't recognize walked to me and gave me the homework saying that when she realized that I wasn't in class she made an extra copy for me. Then she apologized about being a 'clutz' as she totally forgot to give it to me earlier.

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