Chapter 57

567 17 4

Kate's POV

Saturday, Feburary 3, 2018

Couples were everywhere. Holding hands, giggling, kissing and taking pictures. This made me miss blake even more.

It wouldnt hurt to just call him. My shift was done now so he was probably on his way home. Unless he was going to the garage. I could ask him not to go. I will never know until I ask.

I reached for my phone inside my pocket and clicked Blake's contact card. I didn't have to be lonely. I can also be all smiles and giggly. Plus if I occupy all his attention he won't have time to go see Jess. I can make him love me and me alone. I just need to be a better girlfriend. Simple.The dial tone started and I was turning the bend that leads to the supermarket deciding if I should purchase something for Blake too while I am here. I heard a familiar ring tone just up a head. Searching for the phone that was ringing. There was no one reaching for their phone. Right then a door opened and Jessica walked out with Blake who was balancing the door and a plastic bag in one hand while scouping his phone out of his front left pocket. I was shocked. Why now? Why here? Blake why are you constantly proving Camryn right? Do you not want us to be together?

My heart sank. I removed the phone from my ear as he answered and put his phone to his ear.

"Hello" he answered.

I immediately just ended the call. He looked at the phone puzzled then pressed something. I started to turn. Not wanting to bare witness to this any longer and maybe just to hide from the truth. Tears prickled my eyes. My phone started ringing but I didn't care. I just wanted to leave this stupid mall. I never eat ice-cream so I don't know what came over me to come here. I was about to bend the corner when I heard, "Kate! wait"

I kept walking. I was not going to make Blake make a scene here.

What if he decides to just end the charade now and be with Jessica for good? I am not ready for that. My heart couldn't take it. I just wanted to cry in peace honestly. I started walking faster but it wasn't long before his hand caught me. He stopped me in my tracks with his hand on my shoulder then turned me.

A tear rolled down my face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Bearing witness to something I already knew." I uttered.

"What?" he said puzzled.

"Nothing Blake. I just wanted some ice-cream but I changed my mind. No sweetness could remove this bitter taste." I said bitterly.

"What bitter taste? Did you throw up again?" He asked looking worried.

"Surprisingly no." I admitted.

"Oh. well lets get you something sweet then Kat." He smiled.

A smiled that usually caused my knees to go weak and my words to disapear from the very tip of my tongue but now it only pierced my heart. That smile was no longer mine. It was now Jessica's.

He too chose to lie instead of confronting the truth. It was obvious. Our relationship was at its very end. There is no forever for us.

"I just want to go home Blake. You can o back to whatever you were doing with Jessica. Dont let me intrude." I said turning away.

"What I was doing with Jessica? She just so happened to be in the supermarket and insisted on talking to me for whatever reason. I only came here to get you more pills and something to snack on; incase you still werent feeling better. I am about to get some burger so you don't have to cook. But lets get that ice-cream first." He explained then turned me around and dragging me in the supermarket not even bothering to look at Jessica's annoyed face.

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