Chapter 68

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Kate's POV

February 19, 2018

He turned up the road and as he passed my house I felt a feeling of relief wash over me. I did not have to contront my cruel reality just yet. A few minutes later common sense found me. It finally sinked in that I was on my way to a party with DEREK! Blake would be so mad. Just as the thought crossed my mind the sadness creeped in.

"I do not know how to dance." I blurted out.

"Most people who go to parties can't" He answered reflexically.

"This will be my second party. I don't even know any one there. It will be awkward." I said.

"You know me" He added.

"Yes but you are my enemy" I replied.

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow at me before turning back to the road.

"Yes. How will I even get home?" I said after a few minutes.

"I would not take you to a party and leave you stranded." Derek replied.

"You don't exactly have the best reputation." I said in response.

"It's much better than Blake's and you love him." He said.

My heart hurt a little at the mention of Blake's name.

"That is besides the point." I added.

"I see. You'll be fine plus it's too late to second guess. We are here." He said bringing my attention to our surroundings.

We were in the yard of a big grey house that had a bunch of people walking around. My ears finally registered the sound of music. Tall trees surrounded the yard. There were cars scattered all around.

The closer we got was the easier it become to notice people making out. My body tensed.

"How long will you be here?" I asked feeling afraid.

"A few hours." He said casually.

"Can I please stay in the car?" I begged.

"Kate or Katherine is it?" He asked.

"Kate is just fine." I said lowering my head.

"Whatever, I am not taking you to a party for you to just sit in the car the whole time." He said.

"Lets go" He added after then unlocked the doors and stepped out.

I hesitated at first until I saw him turning towards my side of the car. I opened the door and stepped out. Suddenly noticing how out of place I looked in my outfit.

"I am not dressed for a party." I said rubbing my arms.

"You'll be fine. Half of these people are too drunk to notice and the other half don't care." He stated as though it was obvious.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the building.

When did Derek get this nice? I wondered. It is weird.

"Yo Derek whatsup?" A guy hollared Tall slim guy shouted at derek pushing himself off the car and walking towards us. Leaving the blonde he was with behind.

"Hey Steve. Whats good?" Derek answered giving him a fistbump.

"Was wondering when you'd show. Thought you went to get Jessica. Who's this Brunnett Chick? Did you Kidnap her? No one comes to a party in that." He chuckled.

Making me a bit more self conscious. I really did not belong here. I lowered my head. Suddenly regretting my decision to come here. This is not like me. Whats the point of running away? That won't fix anything.

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