Chapter 53

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Tuesday 30 January 2018

I woke up feeling incredible. Blake did not leave me. I got ready and made breakfast. I packed lunch and left the house.

The morning air was so welcoming. There were no birds but it was peaceful.

Walking through the hallway was a bit lonely without Blake but he was coming back on Saturday. I don't care about popularity. Blake was all I needed. This school was just a building of opportunist students who just wanted to be in the spot light. Camryn was waiting for me at my locker.

"Good morning! You certainly look better today." She greeted me.

"Blake called. He'll be back on Saturday!" I blurted out.

"Sigh. Why must your whole life revolve around that no good? What has he done for you that no one else could? Why are you making the bare minimum look like the world?" She questioned.

"You don't understand Camryn. He is the one. I can feel it. I am sure." I told her confidently.

I felt so happy and refreshed. I could scream!

"I truly care about you. I don't want to see you hurt. Yesterday you were a zombie! Because of him. What kind of boyfriend leaves and not say a word? You didn't even do anything wrong! Why was he so angry over Jess? Kate don't trust him! He is using you! He is with Jessica." She said.

"Why do you hate him so?" I asked.

"You have no idea how brutal he can be. What if he hits you? Kate you are my only friend in this hellhole. I can't approve of this relationship. Not everything that glitter is gold. I will show you who he really is!" Camryn said.

"No I will show you how strong and real our love is!" I defended.

"He does not love you Kate. You know that." Camryn said.

My smile faltered. She was right. Blake Richards did not love me.

"People grow to love." I replied.

"No Kate people grow to hate. Especially, people like him and Jess. Get out before you get hurt. Jessica will not let you take Blake away." Camryn warned.

"Why are you never on my side?" I asked.

I walked away. My steps were no longer as confident as when I walked into the school.

In class Jess continued to brag about Blake. My heart felt heavy. But I should have faith in us.

"Will you just stop Jessica? It's getting pathetic now." I said before walking out because class ended.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" She yelled grabbing my hand in the hallways.

Everyone turned looking at us.

Once again the phones were out.

"I will show you something Bitch."

"Stop with the name calling." I said shaking my head.

"I am keeping a party at Derek's on Friday at 6. Blake will go there. Come and see for yourself."

"Blake is returning Saturday, he won't be at your stupid party.

"Then come. You'll see who really has Blake." She said confidently.

"Blake is at my house and I told him to call you yesterday because you were so nasty looking. You can't keep acting pregnant to keep him. That is pathetic. He would never cum in a slut." She scoffed.

"I will go to your party to prove you wrong." I told her faking confidence.

"Whatever, just make sure you are properly dressed." She said in disgust while eyeing my outfit.

She walked off and so did the paparazzi.

I got my lunch and went to my little bench at the back of the school.

My memories with Blake here ran through my mind. Why was it so hard to love? When it wasn't my anxiety. It was Jessica.

I ate then called Liz and apologised for not working yesterday.

The whole school was talking about the party Friday. It was supposedly, the first party all year that Jessica would attend. They were also hyped because Blake would be there and he used to be "The life of the party".

At work, Liz gushed about how perfect the anniversary weekend was. I was envious. My relationship was always going through ups and downs. I didn't even know if Blake loves me.

After work Camryn was waiting outside for me.

"Lets go to the mall." She invited.

"Okay" I said not exactly wanting to go but she came all this way.

The walk to the mall was quiet which was much appreciated by me.

"I heard that you are going to be attending Derek's party." Camryn stated.

"Yes." I confirmed.

"Are you sure that you want to? Isn't it going to be your first ever high school party?" She said worriedly.

"It will be." I admitted nervously.

"Let me go with you. If Blake does not show up at least you won't be alone." She offered.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Definitely, we are friends after all." She smiled at me warmly.

"Great. Jess told me to dress properly but I don't have any party clothes." I mumbled.

"Silly girl. That is why we are here." She grinned.

"Lets try on some clothes and then I will keep it and you can get ready at my place after work! It is closer." She said

I nodded in agreement.

Camryn was a lifesaver. I was so nervous.

We tried on some skimpy clothes or cloth to how little they covered. I do not ever see myself wearing any of those but Camryn argued that these were the things they wore to parties in the movies and I can't go looking like an old lady.

"If Blake shows up let him see how smoking you are! So he will regret going to Jessica. You must make him jealous!" Camryn told me.

"Okay" I agreed.

I did not want Friday to come but the more I blinked the faster it approached. Blake would not go there. I was confident. Not 100% but why would Blake go there? I needed to see where Jess got this confidence from.

Today was the day of judgement. The whole school was unsettled. Everyone was chatting about the party later. Even the teachers had great difficulty quieting their classes. No one cared about any of the lessons. This was the party of the year! Or so they kept saying.

I was so nervous. My heart was about to beat right out of my chest. Oh God why did I agree?

Camryn kept sending me texts to remind me to go straight to her house after work. I did not want to go. Would everyone call me weak if I didn't go? 

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