Chapter 36

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Kate's POV

I could hardly sleep. I got a one hour or two here and there but my whole body was shivering with excitement. It was childish I know but it was technically my first real Christmas.

While Blake on the other hand was sleeping like a log. He slept straight through the night as though today was just another ordinary day.

I could hardly wait. Besides he's never bought anything for me before. Yes he gave me money here and there but a present was different. Especially in this case because he never once asked about the things I liked or wanted so I was curious to see what he chose and to hear the reasoning behind his choices.

It was now 6:30am on my phone and I honestly couldn't wait any longer. I've spent the last hour just watching him sleep and praying that he'll just wake up but to no avail.

"Blake wake up" I said while nudging him.

"It's time!" I continued.

I was shaking and kissing him. Trying to wake him.

"Ugh, Kate it's too early." He said and then turned his back to me.

"Blake come on, don't let me wait any longer please. I desperately wanna open the presents come on!" I said climbing on top on him and tapping him so he wakes up.

"Oh God; Kate I really am so tired. We did so many things yesterday plus we stayed up late talking and having sex. Let a man sleep. Those presents will always be there. Where are you even getting this energy from?" Blake said shaking his hips trying to get me off him.

"Christmas presents are supposed to be opened early Blake don't break tradition!" I said after he gave up on trying to shake me off him.

"How'd you know that? Thought you never celebrated one before" he said setting properly so I was now straddling his waist.

"Because Mr Blake I am literate and well read at that. So for experiences that I lack. I read about them. As a way of making up for what I lack in experience with knowledge." I said clearly proud of myself.

"Okay let's make a deal since you don't want to wait" he said with a mischievous grin.

"Okay, I'm listening. What are the terms?" I said looking at him curiously.

"Same terms as last time and I'll do whatever you want today" he said with an innocent look on his face.

"Last time?" I said thinking back?

"You don't want me to go to school for a week? The first week of January and I should do your assignments?" I questioned clearly remembering the last time when we made the pizza bet and I lost.

"Yes but in this case you won't be doing my assignments. This is the last and most important term. I won't be settling for a B+ or an A- when I can easily get all A+. I need my report to look impressive not average. Okay kitty Kat" he said with a wink.

"Oof. Not like I wanted to do your stupid assignments anyway! Whatever deal. Just get up. Ima make you regret saying that you'll do anything I want today." I said with my eyes sparkling with ideas and ways to let him regret this.

Blake easily got up taking me along as though it was nothing.

Omg finally! Finally! I've been dying to know what are in those 15 boxes.

Blake practically crawled downstairs! He didn't but omg he was moving so slow. Ugh. So so slow.

"Blake come on put some pep in those steps. One, two, one,two" I urged him.

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