Chapter 20

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Blake's POV

Where is that girl? Should I go look for her? Nahh last time I did she almost got kidnap. I just ain't in the mood for some other bullshit.

Damn, maybe I should go.

Look at me Blake Richards worries over some girl! Ha fucking pussy.

I got the keys ready to head out when I heard the doors opening. Well about time......

"The fuck happened to you? Wow the one day I didn't pick you up you went and got your ass beat." I said pissed and shock at the condition she was in.

"I'm sorry" she whispered with her head bowed.

"Why are you sorry? I should be! Should have know that you attracted trouble and bruises." I said feeling a bit sorry.

I can defend myself but how do people who can't feel? I never cared before but now that I've been around Kate and seen just how much she's been attacked and no doubt unjustly. I just feel like shit. Ugh, maybe I should send more than threats.

"Come baby girl, what happened." I said walking towards her.

In one swift motion, I lifted her up and slowly brought her up the stairs.

I gave her some basic first aid since it was mostly bruises no doubt a few slaps and kicks. Her skin surely exaggerated just how badly she was hurt.

"What happened Kat?" I asked seriously.

"After work.... I went to um... grab stuffs when I was on my way back.... I saw Jess... I didn't want her to find out where we lived so I .... um ...... I" she said before she got red like a tomato.

Why is she blushing? No doubt from embarrassment but still.

"Then" I said impatiently.

"Then I saw someone and said that he was my brother because he looked familiar....... I used it as a way to get away from Jess but then I realised that it was Derek and then I almost panicked because he tried to kidnap me before...... so um I decided that a few hits was better than being sold in the black market. So I was about to turn back.... but then I didn't know that ..... Derek was Jess brother and she beat me up for it." She said then bowed her head in shame and probably to hide the embarrassment showing on her face.

"Ha!" I was laughing so hard.

"He's not even her fucking brother!" I said almost falling off the bed.

"lol you fell for your own trick damn you are just pitiful. Derek likes Jess so she just used that knowledge to her advantage." I said sobering up from all the laughter.

"Seriously though, next time ignore her and get your ass home! Or call me. I can't keep having you getting hurt. I don't like it plus it looks bad on me."I said with all trace of laughter gone from my voice.

"Kate I'm your boyfriend you got to learn how to use that to your advantage." It was then I noticed the trampled looking bag she was clutching.

"What's this?" I said grabbing it.

There was a black dress, classy looking. With matching shoes and bag. Nice. I was gonna put them back in the bag when I saw something in the bottom.

Putting the clothes on the bed I emptied my hand to pick up the shorts? Male shorts?

"What's this?" I asked raising my eyebrow and smirked.

"I got it um.... 50% off after buying the dress." She said bowing her head even lower trying to hide her cheeks.

Cute, bruised and all

"You really expect me to buy that crap especially when they are both from two different stores with different brands; ha" I said.

"No wonder you got your ass beat. You are shit at lying." I said laughing.

"Thanks" I said genuinely.

"Do you like it? Your welcome!" She replied maybe just a little too enthusiastically for her age.

"Yeah I do" I said.

It was a really nice shorts. Even the material felt good.

I'll wear it tomorrow.

"There is food in the fridge from yesterday when you cooked; want some?" I asked.

"No I'm okay; thanks though" she replied.

"Well then, Im going out now; don't wait up." I said after putting away the kit.

Being in this girl's presence too long is madden. Technically she's mine but it's not time.

I was about to walk out the room when I heard, "Please stay."

Shocked to say the least. I turned around.

"What can you do to make me stay?" I said looking her dead in the eye.

"Um I don't know" she replied softly.

Oh god even her fucking voice.

I walked closer to her.

" I got something in mind" I said.

Then got between her legs.

"Wouldn't you like to try it?" I said whispering in her ear after pushing her gently on the bed.

I slowly lifted my knee between her legs close to her inner thighs when I said, " let's sleep".

The rolled off her not before seeing her little shocked expression though.

Shes having her period tomorrow. I pulled her bruised body close after undressing and staying in my boxers.

"Don't worry Kat; I won't let them hurt you anymore." I whispered.

Before burying my face in her neck and falling asleep.

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