Chapter 31

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He was still kissing me relentlessly slowly sending my body and brain into haywire. It felt as though he was still hesitant but right now all I know is that I wanted more. More of him. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and tightened my grip on his shoulders.

"Blake please" I mumbled on his lips.

His lips slowly left my own and wandered to my neck and Oh!

I saw stars. He was practically doing the same thing that I was but it felt so good. Once again he lifted his upper body and his hands started massaging my breast. My nipples erected even more. I could feel them as plain as day and he left a new trail of goose bumps in his wake. I don't see how anything could feel better than this. I felt so good. His scent, his feel sigh

I was melting


Even though euphoria I could feel that he was hesitant. As though he didn't want to. I don't know how I should have felt. If my heart should have fluttered with love or broke from rejection.

I gently pushed at his shoulders.

"Stop come off me" I said. My heart hurting as though I was rejected.

I got up and turned on the lights.

"Am I not attracted enough? Why don't you want me? Why make me your girlfriend if you refuse to touch or be intimate with me? Is it just to protect me?"

"Kate it's too soon" he replied staring into my eyes.

"I know you've had sex even sooner than this. Don't lie to me" I said getting frustrated.

"Yes, when having a casual fling. Is that what you want? For me to fuck you and leave? No strings attached?" He said. His blazing eyes ready to consume me.

"No but" I said my willpower wavering.

"Then you aren't ready." He said almost as though he was challenging me.

"How do you know that? It's for me to decide!" I yelled. Throwing my hands up in frustration.

"You can barely even touch me without getting flustered. You aren't comfortable enough with me. You can't kiss me. Even just now, I could feel your hesitancy." He replied.

"That's not true! Besides I'm inexperienced of course there will be doubts" I retorted.

"That's different. You don't trust me." He said pain flickering in his eyes.

"It's not that I don't but you don't have the best reputation" I replied.

"I'm not gonna waste my time with you. If you are only going to give 50% then I'm not touching you. If you can't trust me completely then whatever. I'm no rapist. You decide if you can handle me or not. Or if you are too scared or ashamed to be with me openly." He said.

"Stop sending mixed signals. One second you are head strong and want me and the next second you are there doubting my every word and withdrawing. If you want to be my girlfriend then act like it. Relationships are more than housework and kisses here and there. It's about fucking and giving your entire being to a person. It's either you want me or you leave me the fuck alone until I move out. I'm already doing so much; I can't keep considering your feelings. I'm a man. Hot blooded and horny. Yet still I sleep next to you as though I'm a rock." He said getting up and walking towards the door not even looking at me.

"I know and I'm trying. I want this. But I'm not like the other girl you are with. I'm scared. Because this will affect me more than it will ever affect you." I said hugging him from behind.

"Knowing all that, do you still want me? Regardless of what the future holds" he said.

"Yes" I said sounding more sure than I felt.

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