Backseat Driving

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I got ready quicker than I thought after receiving Sarah's text. 

I put on some white sweater shorts and a small light green top, I put my hair up in a messy bun and left my room, making sure the door is closed so my brothers don't invite themselves in as usual.

I go down the stairs and make my way towards the front door to put my shoes on, I felt my mum's presence enter the archway of the kitchen. 

"So, you're going out now then."- she's clearly still slightly annoyed at me due to her tone of voice, classic Blaire-

"Yeah, just going round to see Sarah." 

" And what time will you be coming home?" she questions. 

"I'm not sure yet, I'll make sure I'll message you this time." I grin with sarcasm. 

She takes the hint and walks back into the kitchen.

I walk out of the front door and start to make my way to Sarah's. Once I reach to her front door, I knock a couple times and wait for a reply. 

I quickly go on my phone to send her message incase she hasn't heard me, until I see a familiar muscular figure come into view. I look up and gulp my nerves down as he opens the door, I stand up taller to make it seem as if I'm not intimidated by his mere presence alone.

"Hello" I say confidently however my heart is racing, 

"Uh hello" he replies looking me up and down momentarily before looking off behind me to avoid eye contact - classic - 

We stand in an awkward silence for a few second longer before I blurt out "You gonna let me in or?" 

He almost gets flustered which surprises me before he opens the door wider and walks away in a huff -sensitive clearly.

I let myself in and shut the door behind me  just as Sarah comes down the stairs with a towel wrapped around her head.

"Sorry I was just getting out of the shower, did Rafe let you in?" She asks in her usual sweet and chirpy tone.

"Yeah you could say so" I reply. 

"Come on" she says as she makes her way upstairs, I follow.

As I'm following Sarah towards her room, I walk past what seems to be Rafe's room, the door was at a slight ajar allowing me to catch a glimpse, before I look more in detail, I see Rafe come into view, I instantly look away and continue to follow Sarah hoping he didn't see me.

I enter Sarah's room and take in the surroundings; her bed was pushed up against the back wall with two rustic bedside tables next to them, she also had two small, cushioned chairs near a big window which filled her room with light. 

I sit down on her bed and continued to look around, Sarah walks out of her ascending ensuite with a hairbrush and her hair no longer wrapped in a towel. 

She comes and sits next to me and starts to talk about last night.

We talk about all the details of the fight from how it started to how it ended to us running home. 

"I still don't understand why Rafe cared about me talking to JJ" I stated.

"It's because of the whole Pogue v Kook bullshit." Sarah replies. 

"Which is?" still confused about what it was.

"Basically, we're called Kooks as we live on Figure 8, where rich people live in big houses and the Pogues are called Pogues as they live on the cut and basically work for us Kooks to make a living, however I don't believe in it whatsoever." she explains. 

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