Blue Lights

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The mind, some would say the most powerful tool we can access but I disagree.

Him, that wasn't a matter of mind but the heart.

The feeling of my blood running cold as it felt like every nerve within me raced to my mind to recourse the memories that I once adored, I suppose I had just about tolerated it last night with my dad but this, my blood didn't run cold it, it passed through my veins directly into my chest where it clutched at my heart freezing it over threatening to shatter, but the most sickening part was, only he could be the one to save it, a distasteful irony.

He had singlehandedly rewritten our story, burning the previous pages only leaving the both of us to tell the story, and I'm not careless with the truth, perhaps the ashes would scatter with broken words once said but no one be able to truly read our story, just us.

The poor woman collapsed revealing a blood crazed Rafe, he had saved his dad but at what cost, his welled eyes fixed on the father who hadn't loved enough, cared enough, appreciated enough – The butterfly effect -

My breath shallowed as a shaky hand covered my mouth, the pair beside me in equal shock however for different reasons, John B had lost – his only support that could truly help him was gone, Sarah had lost – her family now only lived in memories the people before her being strangers, I had lost – my very lifeline, my heart.

We had lost – Ward won.

Time seemed to stop, our movements slow, our sobs muffled.

"I saved you dad"

"Rafe what have you done" Ward scolded, a killer on his behalf yet still invalidated, my broken boy, a killer.

John B sprinting to aid the bleeding officer, Rafe's eyes finally left his fathers as Ward knelt beside John B urging him to give him the radio.

Rafe's gun firmly in hand now pointing at John B, he raised his head when my dispirited eyes met his troubled ones.


Adrenaline coursed my system, tears welling my eyes, he had a harsh stare, I did this for him, I shouted for John B to back down, Sarah wailed - she would never have done this for him, just me.

I pointed at Sarah as she whispered to her little boyfriend to leave another sob caught my attention on edge I shifted, pointing the gun to whatever other Pogue had come to play hero.


Her chest rose and fell dramatically, my hands shook as I lowered the gun, she was a broken shell of the girl she once was, I shook my head, she wasn't here it was just my mind toying with me it was just the guilt, she wasn't here, but when I opened my eyes there she stood, she was trembling just at the sight of me.

My girl, my escape, now she would escape from me.


"John B you need to go"

Collectively we ushered the boy away, Ward taking the radio to save the Cameron name, Rafe still giving a wandering look at the scene he created.

"Rafe take the girls, take the girls and take them home" he nodded as Ward screamed the instructions.

"No!" we both shouted as the boy approached us he grabs Sarah's arm pulling her away.

"No we're not going with you" I wailed.

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