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It had been 3 days in this bed bound state, every move I made the men around me would run around to my aid like I was going to crack and I was sick of it, sick of feeling like a damsel in distress needing three rich men to save me, like come on all of them were somehow the reason I was here so I could really get on with my day without the constant pitiful looks and mansplaining about how I needed to be careful because I was injured - as if I wasn't already aware.

Thankfully today was the day they would be flying us home, I thanked every higher power to finally get out of here and out of constant surveillance, I was still aching and sore and definitely still needed the pain meds but other than that I was perfectly capable to do the basics of walking and attending to things myself - if I had one more of them rush to my side to help me out of bed I was going to scream, hell my Dad even wanting to assist me to the bathroom which I had to make very clear was nowhere near necessary and even less something I wanted.

However I was a little grateful for Rafe right now as we packed up my things, he had gone back to his house to grab my bags I had taken here originally - it felt unreal to shower and get out of these hospital rags, the hot water against my hair and running down my back washing off all the commotion, the hot stream upon my damaged skin was a vulnerable feeling as they had finally allowed me to take the bandages off and get clean.

I was told the stitches would be able taken out soon enough but the scar would be drastic along my torso, it would be something I would have to hold with me forever, quite literally, the raised and raw skin would fade but it would never clear up always taunting me of what happened that day.

I got changed into some loose linen trousers and little cami top that I had originally planned to wear perhaps on a walk to the beach or a sweet lunch date with Rafe, some plan that was, but I was just grateful to feel half myself again even if it was just in the way I looked.

With some final forms signed and some pill for me to take with me, I was discharged. 

They already had a car waiting for us to take us to the airport, In the car ride over the two dads sat up front leaving me and Rafe in the back, we hadn't really spoken a whole lot since we had fallen asleep together that night, to be fair with my dads constant nagging and Wards constant business chat there wasn't really a chance to get a word in edgeways.

Although after everything Ward still managed to get the gold back, the cops must have run them down so they had to ditch it. 

It was a kick in the teeth considering it was a hell of a week for everyone involved and it ended up back a square one.

We arrived at the airport which already had Wards plane on the landing strip - a group of uniformed men were loading up cargo onto the back of it, I stood staring for a minute slipping back into the old ways of scheming, although I quickly snapped myself out of, I refused to help anymore, where had it gotten me? Where had it gotten any of us? 

One wanted for murder, one shot, one running aimlessly alongside her boyfriend in the hopes of a normal life, the rest sitting ducks waiting on the day their lives can be somewhat the way it used to be, but none of us had gained anything, I suppose in some ways each other - but that didn't matter now, I had given too much to the Pogues without anything in return, John B had even left me there, in some ways I could understand - 

He could've been grabbed by the cops any moment, he couldn't risked losing the gold again, he didn't want Ward to take Sarah from him - it was all understandable but I felt betrayed, as if the moment I wasn't helpful they left me for dead, all I had asked for was their friendship.

Leo and Ward sat up front in the cockpit whilst Rafe lifted me into a little cabin just behind it, it wasn't too large but seated us both comfortably, he assisted me with the seat belt.

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