The Morning

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"You alright" I ask she replies with a hum.

She slowly makes her way to my bed, she's out like a light.

"Daisy?" I say softly, she doesn't answer.

"Daisy I'm going to take to you to the spare room alright" 

I try to pick her up but she's reluctant to move, wriggling out of my grasp.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed, I brush back her stray hairs and watch her as her chest softly rises and falls - she's going to feel shit tomorrow - I pull the duvet over her tiny frame and make my way down stairs.

Nearly everyone had cleared out, I went into the kitchen filling up a glass of water and grabbing some aspirin.

I headed back up to my room placing them on my side table, I stumbled into my bathroom and grabbed her a new toothbrush putting that on the side too, so she'd have everything she needed in the morning, I glanced at her one more time before taking myself to bed in the spare room .

I sit in bed thinking about what happened tonight, the kiss especially, I felt so drawn to her, I like that she loathed me a bit unlike previous girls that had fallen at my feet - I like the more challenging type

I knew she was angry with me for my behaviour, ever since the fight she knows she's a more respectable person than I am - she is - I just didn't know how to approach her now, are we what others consider friends?


I wake up with light beaming through the curtains, the headache instantly hits me. I groan crashing back down onto the pillow to try and get some more sleep. 

Until I realise, I wasn't in my room or my clothes, the overload of aftershave filled my nostrils - shit - I look at my surroundings realising I'm in his room. -What the fuck happened last night-

My thoughts were interrupted by Rafe opening the door, I don't think he knew I was awake as he quietly closes the door behind him. He stops in his tracks as he sees me sitting up in bed.

"Morning" I say my voice slightly croaked.

"Morning Daisy" 

"Would like to tell me what the fuck happened last night and why I'm in your bed?" I stop for a second, he clearly saw what I was questioning.

"No Daisy, you clearly can't control your drink, so you passed out in here"

I wait for him to continue.

"I did try move you into the spare room, but you were reluctant to leave" he smirks.

I put my head in my hands slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry I slept in the spare room" he reassures - thank fuck-

I look back up at him, he's just standing there.

"Alright" was all I could say, he hums and walks into his En suite, I just sat there trying to remember the details of last night, all I could remember was Sarah and Top jumping of the roof into the pool - shit the pool

Me and Rafe kissed. 

It was all coming back to me. I prop myself up trying to take in what I just remembered, I look around the room, I see a toothbrush, aspirin and water on the bedside table, I instantly grab the medication and water, hoping it would help me remember more of last night. 

I place the glass back down as I hear Rafe come back out of the bathroom with a robe wrapped round his waist, I was slightly taken aback, his body was carved out perfectly, I swallow taking in the view. 

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