Wasting My Young Years

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I woke up to a heaving dry mouth, everything consumed yesterday taking it's toll, I groaned at the throbbing in my head and the slight nausea pitting in my stomach, I reached over to the nightstand to grab my glass of water, I gasped softly when I saw him on the floor, beside me just a pillow under his head, he was hugging at his arms for warmth. 

I just looked down at him sadly, taking a sip of water then pulling the covers off of me.

I knelt beside him on the hardwood floor, shaking his shoulders gently to wake him, he stirred a little then his eyes fluttered open, he groaned at the ache of his muscles from his ultimately uncomfortable night.

"Come on" I spoke quietly, motioning him to come sit on the bed. 

I was still pissed but my heart still clench a little at the sight of him, I leant back against the pillows running my fingers over my scalp, he settled down beside me awkwardly as he always was after he knew he was in the wrong, he took a breath in sharply to speak.

"If you're about to apologise I don't want to hear it, you've said it so many times that it's become just an empty word when it comes out of your mouth" I said a little harshly.

"Daisy" He groaned throwing his hands to his head like a child.

"I just don't know what you were thinking, huh?, what you two were just gonna walk in and kill them all?" I raised my voice but he just stayed silent like he was being told off by a parent.

I was starting to feel like one, the constant responsibility and worry for his actions was ageing me, I wouldn't be surprised if grey hairs were sprouting through from the stress.

"It's pathetic" I huffed, staring at the ceiling, my body tingling with frustration as I could never truly get through to him in times like this, I felt like a broken record.

"I don't know okay, I just thought it was the only option" He sighed.

That statement alone was concerning.

"I truly thought you would be scared off from ever picking up a gun again" I rubbed my eyes letting out a dry laugh at my idiotic thinking.

He rolled over to his side so his elbow was planted into the mattress and the side of his head was propped up upon his hand, his other hand lightly trailed up and down my arm that was rested beside me, soft touches that infused into my skin - I rolled me eyes at his attempt, as if he could mask the issue with a loving touch so plainly.

"You know I'll never forgive myself for what happened, but this is who I am or - or who I've become, I don't know, I thought I was getting better but I need you now more than ever, I don't want to fight with you Dais, you know I hate that disappointed look you give me" He spoke subtly soft.

I turned to look into his eyes, they mirrored his words pleading for forgiveness, his little speech crumbled my defences slightly, little did I know he had told me all this before.

"Besides you know they deserve it" a small but sinister laugh left his mouth. 

Just like that I snapped right back up, shoving him off me as I got up to storm out, just about reaching the door when he grabbed ahold of my arm spinning me back so our chests hit.

"Do not walk away from me" His voice lowered an octave.

"You were doing well too, nearly had me with that speech" my voice laced with intent to belittle him even if he towered over me.

"Everything I said was true" He leant down till his lips grazed my ear. 

"Especially about them" he whispered, my neck chilling with the close proximity and his soft but evil words.

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