Use Somebody

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What would you do?

You find out your formerly dead best friend is apparently no longer dead, the news is sprung upon you whilst her brother- aka your boyfriend sits inside none the wiser, you're unsure how to feel, obviously first and foremost you feel eternally grateful that she could be back as quickly as she left yet your grief feels like it was for nothing but it was real, so real, so do you now continue to play the part of the grieving girlfriend? Even though your relationship could benefit from you not being deeply depressed or do you act fine leaving him to question why the sudden change - because he would notice, he notices everything, he couldn't know or she might as well be dead, but how can you keep this from him?

"You alright" he pops out from the trailer snapping me from my thoughts.

"Jesus you made me jump"

He chuckles moving himself in front of me, shading me from the sun.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks softly.

"Just needed some air" I smile.

"Aw took too much?" He teased with a cheeky grin reaching out condescendingly grabbing my face.

"Shut up" I shoved his chest making him giggle like a school boy.

"Can we get out of here now?" I asked.

"Of course one sec" He kissed the top of my head on his way inside to grab our things.

We wandered home, I was quiet - which wasn't unusual as of late so he had no clue what was going through my head.

As we arrived home I noticed Rafe had a sheepish look on his face as we approached the door, one I couldn't quite read, it wasn't smug or a smirk it was like he was all giddy knowing something I didn't - the irony - no doubt the drugs still coursing his veins were making him scatty.

"Ok you go upstairs have a nice shower then come back down in 20 minutes" He rushed around.

"Rafe, what are you doing?" I called in question.

"Nothing" he piped yet it came out all squeaky, he just stood trying to hold back a smile.

"I don't like that look on your face"

"Why?" he gasped.

"Because I don't know what it means"

He just gestured an arm up the stairs implying me to go.

I rolled my eyes and made my way, I did need a good shower to recollect my thoughts, I thought about where they were, where they possibly were staying. If only I could go find her, I wondered if the police still believed them dead, was the investigation ongoing? Was Rafe a suspect again? Or had the investigation died with the supposed death of John B?

I got myself dressed and began heading downstairs, the sound of crashing and commotion filling our house - what the fuck was he doing?

"Rafe?" I called out midway down the stairs.

"Just a second!"

He ran to the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok close your eyes"

I frowned but obeyed closing my eyes and reaching out for him.

He held out a hand leading me down the stairs, giggling step by step through the house until the warm air hit my face meaning we had clearly walked out onto the decking area outside, we halted.

"Ok open them"

Before me was a white bed sheet hung up on a line with a projector displaying a film onto it, some cushions and blankets scattered on the decking with a couple of pizza boxes which had clearly been ordered whilst I was in the shower and a bottle of wine, I blushed at the sight as he came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You did all this?" I let out a breathy laugh.

"Thought I owed it to you, you know because I ruined the last one" he mumbled in my ear.

He had a point.

I turned to him wrapping my arms around his neck as he lifted me up to his level.

"You soppy bastard" I giggled giving him a gentle kiss.

"I love it, thank you" granting him another.

The evening had fallen in before we knew it our only light was from the projection, I laid on Rafes chest listening to his steady heartbeat, his comforting touch massaging my scalp and sending me half into a slumber, every now and then he would giggle along with whatever film was playing making me smile, even the little things were a comfort to me.

The film finally wrapped up, the screen hung still dimly illuminated by the rolling credits, I lifted myself onto my elbow beside his head looking down at him.

"This was really sweet thank you" I said sincerely.

"Well you deserve it" his voice a slight mumble from his oncoming sleepy state.

He rubbed his eyes before looking at me once again, his expression looking like he was gearing himself up to say something, almost as if he was battling if he should say anything.

"Tell me" I stated.

His eyes were a little shocked but rolled slightly when he realised I had read him so easily.

"My uh- my dad has asked me to go to the Bahamas with him for some business" His stuttered out.

My heart raced at the idea.

"When?" I asked trying to keep it casual.


As if a gift from a higher power, this was perfect, I could find them myself.

"Take me with you" It came out at rapid pace, he furrowed his brows presumably at the thought of me ever willing wanting to be around his father.

"I don't want to be here without you" It was an excuse but it was true I would be in an empty house until he was back besides It was the perfect opportunity, I couldn't let it pass.

"Of course baby" He smiled pulling to his chest once again.

I felt awful for almost exploiting him but I had to, he would never have to know anyways, whenever he was off with 'business' I could simply slip away - it was flawless but I needed to warn them in case of an accidental run in.

I slowly moved to face him, he had drifted off, I crept out of his grasp ever so slightly just to lean over to my phone, with one last check of Rafe I copied in the number from the group chat earlier.


W and R on the way to Bahamas tomorrow, lay low.




We hope you all had a gorg Christmas and have a blessed new year!


This was just a filler chapter as the next one is going to be... well let's just say you are not prepared for the shit which is about to happen!!!!!

We hope you are enjoying so far!!!

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