Black Out Days

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"So we're really doing this armed robbery" John B stared off as if he was convincing himself.

"My whole life Ward has always got what he wanted, everyones jumped for him and I thought it was respect but I've realised its fear, and the only person who has never jumped for him or feared him is your dad, John B we're doing it for him and Sheriff Pete and all our friends who have done nothing but helped you continue your dads mission" I breathed out, he needed reassurance but I wasn't letting my dad win this time.

"There's one more person that never jumped for him" he smirked.

"Daisy" I chuckled at the thought of my best friend, he nodded.

"Look she's got us in, I called wheezie she confirmed it, they're transporting it to a meeting today"

"Right so how are we going to pull this off" He stood up.


The journey over consisted of me biting my tongue, I practically chewed it down and swallowed it before we had arrived, not uttering a word back as Ward spoke consistently about business with Rafe, I'm more than sure he was unhappy to have me here but he had my dad as leverage both for if I pulled anything and as a trap over his head to not pull anything against me, anytime I would tense up at a comment Rafe would squeeze my hand instantly making me melt back down.

And here we were, touring round an equally as extravagant house as they had back home - as if one wasn't enough - except this one was lined with stern faced security guards at the perimeter, I guess it was to be expected at an unwatched and vacant house but it still seemed excessive.

Ward toured us through pointing into rooms and telling me their purposes, I nodded along like I gave a shit but we all knew I would be more than satisfied with silence, we made our way upstairs into a marble sculpted sitting room which had a balcony connected to it, it was beautiful but seemed futile without an occupant in the house.

"Now this is what I really wanted to show you" Ward spoke as he sauntered over to the safe that stood out from the rest of the room.

"This the deal you've been working on?" Rafe leant against the sofa alongside me.

"You could say that" he smirked.

He tapped in the code to the safe, smiling as he revealed what was inside, my heart dropped as Ward smiled at Rafe, who's eyes glistened like a kid in a candy shop, all the hard work the Pogues had put in, the trouble we had gotten into, the lives that were torn apart, all for the Gold to be sitting in this disgustingly grand display house, for a man who was already filthy rich and a son who was committed to proving his worth to his dad, I wanted to scream, I wanted to grab bars of it a run but I stayed silent, attempting to steady my heaving chest.

"Is it real" Rafe asked bewildered.

"Son it's the realest thing there is" Ward reached for a bar handing to Rafe to inspect it pureness.

"How..." Rafe thumb grazed over the engraved symbol of The Royal Merchant.

"I found it" Ward whispered.

My head was screaming, my fists were clenched, the audacity was staggering and I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold my outburst in.

"You found The Royal Merchant" the boy breathed out.

"This was it all this has been about, this gold it's ours now" He passed Rafe a few more bars, the boy was pulled down slightly from the unexpected weight of it.

"It can't bring your sister back" He averted his gaze to lock with mine "But it can save us" He turned back to Rafe.

My body was on fire, I had never in my life had to control myself so much, If I thought the journey was bad enough I could now taste the metallic tang of blood that had spilled from the teeth clenching down on my tongue.

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