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The Twinkie

The old VW van was parked a couple streets down from us, the brown colour was chipping away due to its age and the clanking of the engine was echoing the neighbourhood.

As we approached the van, the sliding door opened, our eyes meeting the faces of JJ, Kiara and Pope. 

"Hello London, I didn't know you would be joining us on this fine evening" JJ announces in a thick English accent, earning some strange faces from Kiara and Sarah.

"Get in" John B interrupted from the drivers seat. Sarah jumps in first, taking a seat next to Pope, allowing me to be sitting right in-front of JJ.

"You ready for an adventure to an axe-murderers house miss London?" He drops his head to my ear. 

I gulped slightly, not only to the close proximity but to the thought of stepping into a house of a murderer. 

I cough slightly "uh-urm yeah" I try to play off the rising anxiety.

John B revs the engine and jolts forwards to start the journey towards the house. 

"So Sarah filled you in yeah?" John B spoke up, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

I nod "She explained most of it, I'm just going to say this now, I don't want any of it, I'm just here to help you guys out" 

"Well, more for us then" JJ jokes, I smiled back.

"Don't worry about it, I appreciate you being here" John B added. 

Most of the journey was JJ explaining the plan over and over again, until we came to a sudden stop in an overgrown alley, my palms were beginning to sweat a little. 

"Dark clothes?" John b checked.

"Got it" Sarah replied.


"Check" JJ answered.

"Let's go get rich guys!" JJ added. 

John B exits the drivers seat, pulling open the side door. 

"Before we go, I just wanna thank every single one of you for coming, it means a lot" he said mainly staring at Sarah.

"Right, can we go do this" JJ ushered. 

"Let's get that wheat in the water" Pope spoke up.

I was first to jump over the thicket of plants laid across the high brick wall, landing nicely on my feet. I was followed by the others. 

"John B, you know the way" I turned to them, allowing him to go ahead of me. 

I link my arm in Sarah's, trailing behind the others through the maze of bushes. 

With only a couple dim flashlights illuminating the path we managed to weave through the overgrown garden. 

"Nice place" I broke the silence as we observed the house before a flash caused us to jump back. 

JJ, whose arms were now holding me back exclaimed. 

"Shit" we all breathed heavily scrambling to turn the flashlights off. 

"Ok so she has motion sensor lights" Pope stated the obvious. 

"OK, maybe  we could move really slowly" JJ suggested from behind me. 

"That's not how it works" Sarah shook her head.

The boys continued to propose many unhelpful ideas until Sarah spoke up. 

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