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It was all slipping away.

My control, my relationship, the hope of finding the gold and the smell of my dads cologne that was now only slightly clinging to the collar of the jacket I had been wearing.

After her outburst I had taken her to bed, it scared me, really scared me, because it was the awakening of the fact that all of this shit was spiralling too fast for me to deal with, once again I was a disappointment, of course it was Daisy who made me realise.

After a frosty goodnight from Dais I let her be and took myself to a quiet room to do the only thing I thought that could make this night bearable.

The lines on the table were the only grasp I could get, it would make it all better, it would make it all clear.

I leant back in my seat watching as the ceiling became a little distorted, the patterns of the plaster beginning to wind into one another.

"That's not going to solve anything" a voice broke through the ringing in my ears.

I shifted in my seat as I jumped at the sudden company, a face judgement glaring at me from the doorway - my ever so perfect step mother, always an angel in my fathers eyes, but to me she was a leach, feeding on every flaw of the family to boost her ever growing ego, whispering into my fathers ear for years to get him against me.

I grimaced at her,

"How would you know?" I sniffed leaning back down to another line.

Her footsteps nearing to me,

"You've got a problem Rafe" she placed a hand on my shoulder.

Instantly I shoved her off, physically repulsing at her contact.

I knew it, I didn't need her to tell me, addiction ran through my bloodstream alongside the drugs and the anger and worst of all - love.

Her thieving hand moved closer snatching away the drugs I was desperately fiending for, I shot up out of my chair as she continued to move away from me with the baggie clutched in her hand like she was playing some sort of child's game.

"Give it to me" I wrestled with her until I finally tore it from her grasp.

I sighed, putting the bag into my back pocket so she wouldn't dare to try that again.

"You know what my problem is?" I inhaled deeply through my nose,

"I got a stepmother who lies to me" I began to pace the room back and forth.

"You think I'm stupid huh?" my words began to slur, the room shifting around me as I begged my eyes to focus.

"You think I believe that line of shit? About how you can't find the gold?" I exhaled sharply while shaking my head,

Walking over to her, face to face with the poison in the household, she was the Judas at the Cameron dinner table.

"Rafe stop" she pleaded as I looked down upon her, she was trapped.

"You know where the gold is right?" my eyes rolled, the elevation of drugs pulling them back to gain some stability in my frame but still my head rolled slightly off hinged and my forehead collected a sheen of sweat, yet I continued, my state wouldn't stop me from getting this information out of her.

"You know where the gold is and you're keeping it from me" I stated like it was fact and not questionable.

Her stance was weak, caught in a lie, her nerves were expelling from every pore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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