chapter 1 Who am I?

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Hi my name is uh... Um... Never mind. I can't remember who I am or other things. I only remember words... Sometimes but still.

Narrator P.O.V.

At old corona, you are just lying down because their fire around you. You inhale the smoke almost causing you died.

You feel someone pulling you, you don't really have the strength to fight back.

Time skip...

(Y/n) P.O.V.

In the morning I wake up in a bedroom a bit scared, I had no idea who I am or where I am.

I look in my pockets hoping I  can identify who I am, I find some gumballs, folded up piece of paper, beads, and a necklace.

I open up the piece of paper it was a bit confusing because it was burnt, but I could probably decipher it, it said.

"Dear (y/n) I... But that's why... Do it please!... From..."

Its only ten words but I got my name. I think.

I heard some talking by the door, you listened closely 

I hear a boy and an older man or a high pitched woman and an old man.

"But Dad!" The boy or girl said "no buts I'm sorry" said the old man

I thought this is the perfect opportunity to get out of here. I smashed the window and ran.

I went back because curiosity got the better of me. I looked in the window and being very silent looked in seeing a boy and an older man.

The boy has black hair with a teal stripe, freckles, and goggles. The older man had  black hair also, strong, and a bit scary.

Looks like they are hugging? No fighting.

The boy with the teal stripe went in the the room I was in to discover that I had escaped.

The old man spotted me "Hey wait!" The old man said, You ran very quickly but he eventually caught up with you and brought you back.

He caught me, scooped me up and we went back. I tried to put up a fight but like I said he's strong.

I'm placed down in the bed with the boys looking at me, I'm a bit spooked to be honest.

The old man spoke and said "I'm Qurin"

I look at him a bit confused but I got the uh... Name!

I pulled out the burnt letter and said
"I'm (y/n)? I think...

"Now (y/n) do you know where you came from or what you were doing in a burning building?" Mr qurin said

I look at him saying
"I don't know"

"What can you remember?" He said.

"Nothing much I'll be uh... Words with you I don't remember what things are I think, or words sometimes.

"Hmmm... You could have amnesia (y/n)." Qurin said

I tilt my head because I don't know of this food term

"It's sort of were you forget something but it shouldn't be this bad."

"Uh Mr. Qurin may I stay with you?" I said

"Of course until you get better." He said with a smile

I felt a bit uneasy the way the people are looking at me.

"Here my son can show you around." Said qurin pushing the boy towards me

As Mr qurin left the room. me and the boy were alone, until after 3 minutes. Until he finally spoke

"Uh hi my name is varian." Said varian

Oh that's the woma- boys name.

"So (y/n) you can just stay in this room and I will give you a tour of the place" varian said looking off to the side looking awkward

I sorta just stared at him intensely, I have no idea why I did that I just felt weird.

"Ok come with me" he said, dragging me along to the next room. 

Hiya how you do you like the story so far Im honestly really worried to post this sense of bullying but If I ever post this It must have been better. Also have a good day 😊💖
(Also sorry for the pov changes)

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now