The truth

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Just so y'all know this is gonna switch back in forth between Characters so pay close attention to that ok?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Once opon a time... there was me. Still in my room! I tried to leave but no! The guards won't let me. It has been MANY days and no matter what. They always some how know when I'm trying to escape. "Hey... (y/n) are you ok?" Charlotte walks on in. She sits on my bed, I go jump on the floor. "Does it look like I'm ok???" "I know, (y/n) but once you aren't suspended you can-" Charlotte tried to reason with me but I had new information.

"Hold on, I'm suspended!?!?" Charlotte kneels down close to me "yes I'm sorry- wait did you not know this?" I started shaking Charlotte "No! What did I do wrong!?" Charlotte calms me down "well (y/n) the king and queen think your gonna hurt them because you wanted to help the guy who attacked the princess." "He didn't attack her he needed help and I made a promise!" I angrily said "but he is evil-"

"No, no, nope, nope, nope, nope, NOPE! Leave! I trust him! And I believe he is a good guy. And if I'm wrong you may! Well I don't know but still!"

Charlotte walks, out and I was mad but Charlotte left me a purple cookie!

Rapunzel P.O.V.

I sat in a boat by the docks. I really regret turning away varian. Pascal we so helpful listening to me, I sigh "I don't know pascal. I don't even know what to do anymore."
Pascal gave me a reassuring squeak. "Yeah I know there always is a way. I just have to find it."

A loud noise caught my attention. Then something came out of the shadows! Oh! It was Ruddigger. Some one put there hand around my mouth. I thought I was being kidnapped. It was varian! He took off his goggles and looked around.

I hugged him "oh varian where have you been? I-I-I have been so worried about you! I wish (y/n) went with you but Charlotte wanted to keep her safe."

"Yeah I have had to lay low for a while. Funny thing is that the people of corona don't take kindly of people attacking there queen. Wait who is Charlotte?"
"Attack me?" I didn't know it was that bad. "N-no you came for help!" Rapunzel said worriedly
"And you got to see why I needed your help."

We visited varian's house and saw qurin was stuck in amber.
"Varian I'm so so sorry I have no id-"
"You had to save the kingdom you did what you had too, but you can help me now! Do you have the scroll?"

"The scroll! I-I-I got it like you asked. I have no idea what it is but my dad was desperate to keep it from me." I took out the scroll from my bag.
"It took me a while to decipher the old language but from what I can tell those black rock are some sort of ancient darkness. It destructive power can only be stopped by it's counter part the sundrop. Rapunzel the flower!"

"You mean the flower? You mean the one that healed my mom and gave me my hair? B-but my dad said that was long gone."
"Hmm... Would you say your dad has been a reliable source of information?"
"Well um.."
"No Rapunzel it's still there I'm sure of it. Your dad wouldn't have just thrown away something that could wield that kind of power. A single petal from that flower could solve all of our problems. That's all we need!"
"Yeah but even if the flower is here my dad wouldn't just hand it over"

"Oh I know we can't, we are gonna have to steal it."

(Y/n) P.O.V.

I'm so bored! Now that I'm thinking why does Charlotte have blue hair? That's not a hair color unless she is a mythical being.
"Hey Pete, Stan your shift is over." Cassandra said."hey (n/n) I'm breaking you out of here mostly to help out mysterious case."

I don't really trust anyone anymore because I have been trapped for decades and I missed a festival, but this has got me intrigued. "What going on?" "People are telling the truth and they can't stop." Cassie explained.

I sigh "ok, but I'm not forgiving you guys... yet!" Cassie put her hand on her chest "ok then come on."

I never wanted to not trust her but she won't help me, and maybe after this I'll be able to see varian.

{editers note: oh shootly dang I'm so sorry! I just gave up on it! But I'll finish this chapter and maybe. Just maybe continue the story. also sorry if the story is... talking weird. It's sorta talking like me 😅 so sorry anyway goodbye for now!}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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