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I saw a girl super happy with an old man and a old woman

I wondered what happened...

I walk in to the next room and found a grave...

And the little girl I saw was their crying.

that's when I realized that little girl was me.

But like all dreams their weird.

I found pancakes and waffles raining from the sky.

Then I woke up

"(Y/n)! Look at what I made!!!"

"Noooooo I wannnna sleeeep."

"Nope come on!"

I sighed "ok give me a second."

I got ready and met varian in his lab

I was walking until I was trapped by pink goo but it wasn't strong enough to keep me down.

"Oh come on" I heard varian say madly.

"What you wanted to keep me trapped?"

"No... sorry that sounds insensitive. I've been trying to make sure nothing can move when that happens. I wanted to work on other projects because that one is hard to do." Varian started pouty faces

"Did you just dumb down the explanation?"

Varian stood there silently.

I walk up to him
"What if I help you make it? All I need to know is alchemy stuff and I should be good to go if you want help."

"Thanks" he hugged me tightly

"No problem" I said

Hiya it's me again so next chapter is gonna be a... wait for it.......

✨Time skip to the first episode ✨ so yeah I really hope your liking this book so have fun! 💖

(210) words

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now