My new job. :O

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Hello!!! I'm sorry for not posting the next part cuz I have been sick and busy we all know how that goes I think, but now the next chapter! 🤩❤️
(F/F)=favorite food
(F/d)=favorite drink

Im moving to the castle because if you remember from before I lost the bet against Cassie but she did promise some candy. Varian is devastated. I tried to cheer him up but he was still super sad! Oh well I best get not packing because I don't own much, because that guy stole half of my stuff! This way I get to earn currency and hang out with Cassie and Charlotte! Plus maybe I won't get head aches because those are annoying.

"Donnntttt goooooooooo!" Varian cried on the floor in front of me.
"And yet I am. Sorry but maybe you can find new friends-"
"Noooooooooo!!!! I can't replace yoooooooou!" He cried some more and now he grabbed my leg so I wouldn't go.
I yelled out "QURIN I NEED SOME HELP!"

Qurin comes here and asked "What's going on?"

"Can you take him off my leg please?

"Come on varian let go of (y/n)" then qurin picked varian up in the air. Varian still looked super sad. I hugged him "don't worry I'll write."

"3 times per week?" He said with his face still super sad

"How bout 2 per week?"


"Fine 3 per week"

"And I promise that I. (Y/n). Will help you if you come to me for help ok?"

"Ok." varian sniffs and waves me off.

I went to corona it was nice even though there was no decorations. I saw Charlotte outside of the castle waiting for me. She looked different she was wearing a white skirt with lace and she had blue sun hat
"Hey Charlotte!" I give her a hug.

"Oh- what- oh (y/n) you startled me! Are you ready to come in?" I keep forgetting she's British.

"Yes. Do I get a tour?"

"Yes. Don't worry darling I'm fully prepared for this." She puts on some more lipstick and takes my hand.

"Ok this is the throne room, over there is Rapunzel's room, and my room is right by yours."

"Cool." I tried to keep my cool but I was in a castle! That's so cool!

She showed me the kitchen and a bunch of other beautiful rooms! We went to the room that I was staying in it was nice it was furnished and it was boring with out my 3 items I have beads, that piece of paper, and varian gave me a necklace after the show so I thought the right thing to do was wear it.

"Uh wow not much stuff?"

"No, because a thief stole my stuff

"What!? You should have told someone!"

"I did tell someone." I sat on my bed."



She sighed "We are reporting this. Come on."


Charlotte dragged me along to Rapunzel's room to report this I went along because I want my gumballs back.
Charlotte knocked on Rapunzel's door
"Come in!"

"Hello Rapunzel. (y/n) just told me that she was robbed by someone last night!"

"What!? Don't worry (y/n) I'll get it on the wanted poster!"

"I- ok then."

"See now let's get you dressed. I believe Ms Cassandra is training you."
I put on the lady in waiting dress and then I was ready.

Charlotte guided me out and saw Cassie waiting for me.
"Well this is it (y/n)! I'll see you around." Charlotte walked away and Cassie looked excited.

"Hi (n/n)! Are you ready to start training?"

✨Time skip✨

We trained a lot she taught me the ropes and I failed at them but I got them eventually. Until a guard came up me and told me that I would be Charlotte's lady in waiting!?
Wait what?
"Wait is that possible Cassie? She is just a guest."

"Well she is royalty and she is staying for a while. I guess so."

I sighed "ok."

I walked up the stairs I took a deep breath before entering and then I was greeted with a huge grin and all she said in that moment was

"How did you make me your lady in waiting?"
"I asked because you needed a little assistance before a real job and I wanted to spend more time with you."

"Ok then what should I do first?"

"Get my clothes, bed sheets and wash them, dust, and I got a surprise for you."

"Ok. Wait a surprise?"

"Yes, now hurry along." She laid down started reading a book.

"Ok." I took her clothes put them in that little box thing I have no idea what that thing is called. I dusted and I did some other things etc.

"(Y/n)! Come here for a moment.

Charlotte has called me. I hope it's the surprise.

"Ok darling close your eyes."
"Okay." We walked for a bit until she said "here we are open your eyes."

"Wow!!!" It was beautiful.
Charlotte has gotten me a dress it was nice and pretty!

(This is the part where you go look up dresses and pretend your wearing your favorite dress good luck.)

"I guess you like it." She walks around it.
"Yes I do! I'm gonna go change in to it give me a second."
I changed and I was ✨STUNNING✨ Charlotte was waiting and I came out.
Her face blushed a bit then she held her hand out "ready to go darling?"
"Sure but where?"
"Dinner of course, a beautiful lady like you mustn't go hungry."
I chuckled and we went out to dinner

We arrived at the castle garden its lovely. She had my (f/f) and (f/d) all ready.
"Wow! Charlotte how did you know?"
"I asked Ms Cassandra."
"Oh ok."

We talked for a bit and ate.
"This is very yummy (y/n), you got good taste."
"Thanks my friend made it for me once."
"Who is your friend?"
"His n-"

Then Pete came to us. "Hi sorry lady's but the princess friend pascal went missing so your gonna have the clear the premise."

"Oh ok." We ended the dinner and went back inside. I changed in to my pajamas. I hear they found pascal, I sorta just stared at the ceiling until I got mail! It was from Varian!

Dear (y/n)

Hi! I missed you. How's everything there at the castle? I bet it's hard but your probably doing great! I made a chemical compound that makes people go to sleep or they are just disoriented I can't tell yet. Ruddigger doesn't want to volunteer to help me figure it out. Bye!

From Varian.

Aw he is so sweet! I'll write him back in the morning.

Hello I hope you enjoy the chapter! And tell me what did the dress, food, and drink did you choose? I chose a flower dress and food was a McDonald's cheeseburger and I had some sprite lol! Bye!!!

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now