day of hearts/the break in

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For the record I'm sorry for this, see in this chapter get excited or not because there is two new love interests because varian wasn't going to be in love with Cassie and I need some drama sheesh people. Enjoy!

"Helllooooo Varian!" I walk in holding a bunch of boxes.

"Hey (y/n)! Are you excited for your new job?"

"Yep I hope your are gonna be okay by yourself." I placed the boxes down on a table.

He ran towards me
"I will miss you so much!"

"Don't worry you got Ruddigger and your dad."

"Let's do something fun today!"

"Good idea, but what should we do?"

"Don't worry! I planned today out." Varian said proudly

"Why or how?"

"Well you told me you were going so I have been planning a party!"

"Aw thanks varian!" I kissed him on the cheek. Varian turned in to a tomato.

"I-I-erm-um" varian studders.

"Well I-" I went on the floor because I got a really bad headache.

"Oh no (y/n) are you ok!?"

"Yep, yep I'm ok" I rise up and and walk out with varian.

Varian pushes me out gently.
"Ok (y/n) can you go hangout with someone I need to do something for like 3 hours or more."
"ok. See ya."
I walk out of there ready to look around corona.

I go up to the Castle and Rapunzel comes out.
"Oh hi (y/n)! Do you want to come in?"

Cassie bursts in to hug me
"Hi (y/n)! What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to explore corona because I don't really go out often."
"Cass can I talk with you and (y/n) privately?" Rapunzel nudges

"What's this about raps?" Cassie looked annoyed.
"Listen I thought we could all have a date night. Because (y/n), Cass found someone!"
"What! Cassie is this true?"
"Yeaa-ahh... Raps walk over here with me for a moment."

I couldn't hear what they were saying but Cassie was pissed.

"But we could all have a triple date if (y/n) comes!" I over heard.

"I don't think that how that works plus me and Andrew want our relationship to be discreet."

Then I heard a lot of cheering and saw some decorations out side and then it hit me.
I facepalm because realized it was a Holliday today. How could I have missed that.

"Hey (y/n)." Rapunzel said suspiciously

"Would you like to come with us on a date you can bring varian." She smiles warmly.

"I don't know because he's planning me a party and I got to be there for that."
"It's no matter we can still do it with out you."
"Also is today a Holliday or something?"
"Yes. have you not heard of it?"

"Nooo-oo.... because I moved here a while back and never heard of it." I told a white lie.

"Ok. then it's a celebration where we celebrate the loved ones and some couples sign the book and you probably don't wanna hear the whole story but that's the base of... (Y/n)?"


"Now you get to explore! Now remember if you see anyone suspicious go to your closest guard."

"Ok. Also how's Cassie gonna be on her date? Tell me everything when your done."

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now