bit of a disaster...

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Hey have fun with this chapter!

"Ok just one more drop and I think we're good to go."

"I'm so excited!!!"

I regret saying that eh we got results


Me and varian got thrown back, we could only hear the ringing in our ears

"Well a bit explosive if we add to much, but all we need now is a name!"

I look at him confused


Qurin kicked open the door to find green fire and us covered in black soot, he grabs a water bucket and puts out the fire, hugs us both but then scolds us but I didn't understand a thing he said so that's an up side.

I still couldn't hear over the past couple of days but it got better, and we started thinking about names for the  element.

"What about qurinium?"

"Nah too weird"

" Ok what If we name it after your favorite person-"

"That's be you right now" he mumbles

"What did you say?"

"Nothing nothing!"

"Ok? Anyway like after a childhood hero or someo-"

"I know!"

I look at him a bit mad, he keeps interrupting my word group that I can't remember the word of!

"See I love the Flynn rider book series!"

"Ok lemme guess something with Flynn?"

"Yep so from now on this will be Flynnolium!" (idk how to spell this)

"Hey varian I know you didn't sign up for this but can you teach me stuff?

"Uh why won't it just come back after awhile?"

"Yeah yeah" I sigh "I just wanna know everything now"

"Well you can't know everything just now you gotta wait a bit, plus it almost midnight so sleep is a MUST!"

"Says you. You stayed up a full 24 hours."

"Shhhh that was the past." As he puts his finger over my lips.

"That was today."

But he was already asleep.

"Oh it's morning hey varian! Oh he's not here oh well."

I walk over to the dining room and sat down and qurin got me breakfast. It was a mixture of pancakes and waffles and it is 70 feet high.

"Mr qurin? Where's varian?"

"Who's varian?"

I ran out side and it was white not in a snowy kind of way.  like the void. I ran out in to the abyss and saw a...


Thank you for reading this chapter of you can't tell already this is a dream.
Have fun!!! 😊

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now