behind the scenes!

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I mostly wrote this chapter because I can't remember what comes after the expo so I'ma do behind the scenes.

"Why are you fixing the door?" Varian looks at (y/n)

"Because it's broken."

"Doesn't still work?"

"Do you want a door that can do this?" The door almost falls on varian, (y/n) catches it.

"O-Ok." He said with a terrified expression.

"On second thought I'm going to take a break."

(Y/n) no...!"

Next behind the scenes

✨The clean off ✨

(Y/n) slides in. "hey Rapunzel! Wanna hear a joke?"


Cassandra looked at us with a mad and serious face.
"Hey (n/n) why don't you actually come clean!?"

"Why was 9 so afraid of 7?"


"Because 7 8 9!"

Rapunzel started to hold in her laughter and then she starts laughing so hard.

"That's a good one (y/n)! You deserve some more points."

And that is how (y/n) had a head start.

Welp have fun with the next chapter btw the next chapter is a one shot because of reasons of I'm busy and didn't it want to do it right now.

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now