The confession.

21 1 4

Hello I was debating what I should do next but I really hope you like it anyway bye!

I have been working here for 2 months there has been a lot, some girls stole things now their gone, and there was another horse that was a hero but not any more..? I need to catch up, but it's been good Charlotte has been doing research and I still am trying to get my gu- I mean stuff back from the thief.

It been getting colder and colder. People tell me of some sort of tradition called Austin? No... Allison? Alana? Nevermind.

I was dusting Charlotte's room when the door bursts open.
Charlotte walks up to me. "Hello darling did you know that the queen and the king are going for a vacation. Rapunzel is gonna take over for a bit, so because you can't be my lady in waiting today, so take the day off."

"Ok thanks."

Today was boring I had to sit with Cassie in the throne room because she thought it was for "educational purposes" I don't believe it was for that but just like Rapunzel I was just watching and "learning"

"Hello my king ever since you fixed the potholes no one has come in to my shop." The orange haired man looked nervous.

"Well the guards are in need of new boots."

"Thank you your highness." He bowed and went on his way, and then I saw Mr qurin. I waved and he waved back.
Qurin bowed to the king.

"We need more land for crops our harvest was quite bountiful."

I'm not sure what Nigel was whispering into the kings ear.
"That's great news for old corona you may get your land."

Mr qurin went off on his way.
"Hey Cassie?"
She turn towards me and whispered
"What is it (n/n)?"
"May I go talk with Mr qurin?"
Cassie sighed putting her hand up to her head.
"Ok you may go."

I went out of the throne room as quickly as possible and then I saw varian and qurin! Although... they looked like the first time I saw them mad and sad. I walked over and tripped on something not my best. Then varian saw me.

"Hi (y/n)! I sort of saw you in the throne room I didn't think you wanted to talk with me sense your so busy." He look down a like he was about to cry.

I holded his shoulders with I looked him in the eye and said.
"Ok what is happening? You seem incredibly sad."

Then Rapunzel rushes over joins the conversation.
"Varian what going on?"

Varian's voice breaks and he pour his heart out ish
"He lied about the crop report! The black rocks are destroying the village!"

"Oh no!"
Rapunzel looks at varian with a smile.
"Varian I promise that I will help you when you need it."

"I still up hold my promise!" I gave him a big hug.

He sniffs and wipes his tears. "Thanks guys."

I hear qurin yelling out along the long hall way with his voice bouncing off of the walls. "Varian let's go!"

"Sorry (y/n) I'll send you a letter tonight." He runs off until I couldn't see him anymore.

Rapunzel left and I went to lie in bed I stared ceiling. I could have done something for those 3 hours that I was in there but I didn't want to. it was already much the queen and king are leaving for a vacation into the mountains that could go horribly or something else.

Who am I kidding...

I heard a knock on my door.

"Hello darling." Charlotte comes in.

"Now I have some free time would you like to come with me to the garden? Autumn is apron us, but the leaves on the trees still look fine. Weird.

"Okay I'm coming."

I met charlotte in the garden where she made a picnic. I walked over, charlotte look a bit flustered and worried.

"Hey charlotte what's going on?"
"Oh! Hi darling I- you know what you should eat first before I tell you."
She brought out of the picnic basket my (f/f)! I happily ate while making small talk.
"So (y/n) how is the hunt for your stuff back? Did you find him. The thief I mean."

"Oh no not yet I'm really sad they took my stuff though."

"Are you finished?"
I nod yes and she throws the trash in the picnic basket.

"(Y/n)..." she sit up and takes my hand. Her face is pure red, she is looking down like she is worried.
"Are you ok? do you need something?" I say worried
"(Y/n) I never thought I would meet someone like you... your kind, smart, and I trust you with my life, Well ish." I chuckled at her joke.
"But I think I would like to be more then friends. I would like to go on a date with you (y/n). If you'll have me."

I blush hard. she wants to be more then friends!?!?

Hellllo!!! Hiii also I don't care if you like charlotte or dislike charlotte it happening guys!!! Also fun fact this was going to be longer but I wanna post this soooo badly!!!! 
Tell me your opinion do you like her or dislike her how do you feel about the thief I really want your input guys!
That's it, byeeee

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now