What the hair!?

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(a/n) Im so excited for this chapter!!! also this is third person P.O.V.

(Y/n) is working in the lab with varian until she saw something from the window.

Are people coming? (y/n) thought

"Hey varian there's people coming to the door!" (Y/n) whisper yelled.

"Wait really?" Varian whispered

"Yeah I woman with 70 feet of hair and a scary looking woman."

"Hey varian I think their coming for us since Qurin is not home."

"OH MY- we got guests!"

"Yeah I'ma hide right here."


"These people look intimidating and I don't talk with scary people."

"Ok you hide there, and I'll be intimidating first! I'm super scary!"

"Good plan."

The guests knocked on the door. But varian put on a mask that looked weird, and a big black trench coat. Then pink and purple fog emitted from the room. (Y/n) was so excited to see how this would turn out.

Then the people got caught in the goo that you mostly made but they couldn't get out of it. You were really happy about this you had been trying to make that goo perfect for months!

"What do you want?" varian said in a distorted voice

Um hi. So sorry to bother you, sir. I wanted to ask about my hair. Because your such a magic exp-

"OHHHH she said the M word" (y/n) screamed in her head

"MAGIC!? I do not work with magic!" He flips off his mask
"I mean technically it's not magic. it's alchemy, but yeah don't sweat it."

The blonde nervously laughs "got it, so what is this?"

"It's a chemical compound of me and my friends design. See we got a bit of a critter problem around here, so through the power of modern Alchemy. I have found a humane way to solve this."

"That's great now can you get us out of here!?" The black haired woman said

"Now where is that neutralizing parti-"

He didn't realize that (y/n) had it

"Sorry give a second." As he ran were (y/n) was hiding

From black haired woman and blonde girl perspective it look like he was talking to thin air.

But you were just hiding because of how awkward it would have been. (y/n) gave the neutralizing particle to varian.

"Sorry about that..." as he kneeled "Your majesty." 

"No Rapunzel is fine"

"Ok RaPUnZeL" he said  weirdly

"So varian who were you talking to?" as he released everybody from the goo.

"My friend she is hiding  because she doesn't really trust you at the moment she'll come out eventually."

The girls didn't really believe him and thought he was crazy but they needed answers so they went on in...

(Y/n) P.O.V.

Rapunzel is laying on the table strapped down, with the black haired girl watching them. As varian looked at the hair closely.

"Well this is very... Long!" Varian adjusted his goggles.
"Don't worry your highn- I mean RaPUnZeL. I'm sure that I varian can help you f-"
Then the magnifying glass hits him in the back of his head hard. (Y/n) rushes out of her hiding spot

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