The one shot!

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I wonder why it's called one shots.
This is based on a conversation of a friend of mine I don't really know if we're friends anymore. this is not cannon I repeat THIS IS NOT CANNON. Also varian is mean in this 😔

I walk over with food for varian because he's been a total wreak.
"Hey varian are you ok?"
I set his food on the table

"Does it look like I'm ok?" I mean he is sleep deprived and hasn't been eating

"Well I know you don't want to hear this but there is good people in corona and I'm sure they-"

"Wow (y/n) you are so shelter from the world! The world isn't just sunshine and rainbows you don't know anything!" He yelled at me like I had no idea what the world is like.

I sat their silently

"You wanna know what happens to bad people when they get out of the prison they flush them in here that's because that's where all the bad people go here!" He almost tried to hurt me.

"GAH your an idiot (y/n) Just grow up already!"

Grow up... those were the words that broke me..
I started getting ready to leave.

"(Y/n) where do you think your going?" He angrily said


"Yeah but where?" His teeth all clenched up.

"That's not any of your business. Is. it?"

Varian almost hit me until I twisted his arm.
"Oh look at me. I'm such a big baby I have no idea how the world works. Aren't I?" I mocked him.

I let go and of his arm and he couldn't move but looked up.
"Yes... I'm going and I might not come back." I look at him with anger.
"Bye varian this won't be last you see of me."

He sat their stunned.

But I always come back.

Well that's the end of that one shot I really hoped you liked it and next chapter is gonna be awesome!  Bye!

Varian x !FEM! Amnesia Reader Where stories live. Discover now