Snow storm

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Hey! reread last chapter trust me it's gonna help you through this crazy world.

"You like me!?" I said loudly. Charlotte look incredibly scared, flustered, and I bit embarrassed
"Y-yeah, it's the okay if you don't say yes. I wouldn't be like my queen mom and banish you to the dungeons." She chuckles lightly then goes back to being flustered, scared and embarrassed.

My mind was filled with thoughts 'what if they don't accept us as a couple?' 'What if I turn her down will she never talk to me again?!' 'How would varian feel about this?' But despite all my thoughts I wanted to see how one date would go.
"Charlotte I would like to go one a date with you."

When I said that her face was in shock! She didn't move for about 1 and a half minutes.

"Oh- okay great. We will talk about this tomorrow then bye!"

I ran to my room in the castle as fast as I can. I can't believe someone likes me! Varian didn't teach me about this! How do I like someone?! Do I give them a frog? He covered everything from small talk to alchemy. Just not this! I'm screwed.

I woke up the next morning still unable to except what happened last night but I didn't have anything to do for work. Turns out I can't work yet because I'm still the newbie until a new lady in waiting shows up, Unfair. I walked to the building that had a bunch of books. Someone said I could buy some for 5 silvers each. I bought 6 books and it suddenly started raining white things and I ran towards the castle. it was freezing!

I ran into charlotte while running inside. "Oh (Y/n)! I'm so sorry. I went to look for you, it's snowing I thought you were gonna freeze out here!" She gave me a big hug and she gives me a silky, yet warm coat.
I chuckle uncomfortably "Ok... thanks but bye!" I try to run away from this, but rapunzel voice announced "Today is a snow day!" I thought this would be a good idea to just run to my room and read the books I bought. Charlotte looked at me sadly when I ran out of there.

I read for an hour but someone started knocking on my door. I sighed "yes what do you need?" I opened the door and it was Cassie. "Hey. (N/n). I know it your day off but it's getting colder and colder and we need someone to help out."

I sigh "ok, do I need to put wood in the fireplace?"

I walk down gathering every single piece of wood I could find I went down and saw everyone was freezing and really sad. I immediately threw the fire wood in to the fireplace and started a fire.
Rapunzel walks up to me.
"Hey (y/n). I... Can you... Im just freaking out, sorry for bothering you."

"No! No. It fine, what the matter?" I say and sit down with Rapunzel.
"My parents are out in the storm all by them selfs. I feel something inside me telling me that they got hurt or worse!" Rapunzel sheds a tear.

I give her a big hug and reassured her that It was gonna be okay. She left me and while I was sitting, Charlotte sat next to me with the fluffiest and warmest coat and a potted 2 flowers.

We sat in awkward silence, "listen charlotte you seem great but this is going a bit too fast." I admitted. Charlotte didn't seem disappointed.
"I knew what I was risking asking you out, but I know maybe someday in the future..." she picks the two flowers out and hold one out for me. "I'm going to be queen someday and hopefully you will be my queen." She looks at the fire, slightly smiling holding a flower. I took the flower that she gave me, my face was blushing so hard.

I chuckled and gave her a kiss on her cheek and moved closer to her "I would like to go on a date Friday night at 6:00 for something, I'll let you decide." Charlotte stares at me for a moment. "Uh... o-ok" charlotte walk over rapunzel all excited like. I still sat there contemplating what happened and if I should have run away. Ugh.

Suddenly there was a lot commotion at the door. I thought it was the wind that broke through the doors until I heard a familiar voice. "My dad is in trouble he needs help!" It was varian! I made a promise to help him I squeezed through the guards and saw the suck up, rapunzel, and varian. "He is dangerous your majesty!" I finally made it out of there and got really out of breath. "Hi!" I breathe heavily "ok..." regain my breath "ok varian I hear you need help I'm here for you." I hold his hand "what do you need?"

"My dad is hurt and he will be gone soon I need help for him!" He starts crying a little bit "ok don't worry varian I'm coming! Are you coming rapunzel?" I put on my new coat "I'm sorry varian but I have to put corona first." Varian looks even more sad. "Ok let's go (y/n) but just remember this rapunzel you promised and you didn't help" we both almost run out of the door, but the guards stops us. I got held back and the guards had my arms yet I kept fighting for him. "Let me go!!!" I say out of anger "don't worry varian we are gonna help your dad!!" I hit the guards feet and run.

It took 5 guards to take me back there they dragged me through the snow and back to the castle. "Varian!" I yelled out. But I kept fighting no matter what!

Varian P.O.V.

That was a waste of my time! My dad is probably dead! I tried my best to make you so proud of me. I make it back home only to find out that my dad was incased in something. I started crying but crying wouldn't solve anything. Rapunzel. Hm, she didn't want to help and corona didn't help after I tried so desperately for help. It's all rapunzel and corona fault! I took one of my Beakers and smashed it. "They will pay."
I can't believe no one tried to help me.

Wait... what about (y/n)? She tried to help me but those stupid corona guards, she could have helped me. I guess one person is a light in the dark world. I shall make sure she's ok, but for now I must do some new projects.

(Y/n) P.O.V.
I hit, raged, and screamed. They are so determined to keep me in my room I heard they think I'm 'helping a criminal' but varian is the sweetest guy ever! I don't Believe he is a bad guy and I will prove it some how!

I looked outside and I saw people evacuating, but sadly I fainted because of the worse headache I have had in the longest time and most of my stress.

When I woke up it was summer I thought I slept for months but no it turns out that the snow magically disappeared and that I had only passed out for 5 hours but there were many questions that I needed to know but that's for another time for now I'm going to enjoy this until I get back to work.

Heyyyyyy sorry for the new chapter but it wasn't it I accidentally posted it so yeah but what did you think of this i have super exciting story for next time so bye!

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