Chapter 5 | Unplanned sleepover

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After 7 long hours, I was finally home.

Luke sat with me and Olivia at lunch, along with Jai, Beau and 2 other boys who were introduced to me as James and Daniel, their best friends. They made me feel welcome, like I fitted into their group perfectly. 

I was drowning in thoughts while laying comfortably in bed, when my phone vibrated beside me.

Seeing a number I didn't recognise, intrigued me to read the message, I don't respond much to texts.

Unknown- Hey it's Luke, I hope you don't mind but I got your number off Liv. Have you got anything planned Saturday night? A few of us might be going to see a movie :)

A small smile crept onto my face, I thought for a brief moment before deciding on an appropriate response.

Alice- Hi, no that's fine. I've got nothing planned for Saturday, that sounds fun :)

I saved his contact and locked my phone but it vibrated a moment later.

Luke- Awesome, I can walk over and get you at like 6? :)

My smile faded when he mentioned coming over here. I couldn't risk that, my father is to unpredictable.

An uneasy feeling ran through my body at the thought of him laying a finger on me in front of Luke, or worse, he could verbally or psychically abuse Luke. 

Alice- Would it be alright if I walked over to yours instead? :)

Luke- Yeah that's fine! I'll see you tomorrow night at 6 then! :)

The tension I was feeling had eased after I read his reply, not one question was thrown at me.

Alice- See you then :)

I locked my phone when I heard my door open and in came my mum, wrapping me in a tight embrace. 

"Ali I have something I need to talk to you about," She spoke hesitantly.

"What is it?" I quickly asked. I hated when people started a conversation like that, it gets my anxiety kicking in big time.

"I know we just moved here," She began.

"But my job is taking me away for a while, it shouldn't be to long but it'll provide a really good income for us. Your father will be here to look after you though," she smiled.

I felt sick, I was going to be living alone with my father for god knows how long.

"When are you leaving?" I smiled, pretending as though it didn't bother me as much.

"Tomorrow afternoon bub, I know it's short notice but I was only told today," she laughed.

I'll say goodbye to my mum, then go out with Luke and the others. Atleast I'll be doing something to take my mind off it.

"That is short notice," I laughed.

"You should pack and get some sleep then, I'll see you in the morning," I stated, pulling her in for another hug.

"Alright, sleep tight Al," she kissed my forehead and walked out, closing the door behind her.


The sun was shining through my curtains, and onto my face. It was bright, to bright.

I groaned and rolled over, before realising it was Saturday. I smiled at the thought of seeing my new friends tonight. But my mood went south when I remembered mum was leaving me here with my father. Maybe I could ask Liv if I could stay at hers for a while? Or would that be to much of a burden for her mum?

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