Chapter 12 | His back

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A/N  Hi, I have had some thoughts on a second fan fic, I know I haven't finished this one but I will be continuing it. I am interested in the book I thought of, so I've put a plan together for it and I'm super excited to start writing it. I'm not to sure when it'll be up but I can promise that if I do start it while I'm still continuing this one, I will update both as much as possible. x

I woke to see Luke's perfectly sculptured face.

I couldn't help but stare, and take in every angle of his face.

"Having fun staring Al?" Luke's husky morning voice spoke.

My eyes shot up to meet his lovely brown orbs.

I laughed in response, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Come on I'll make you some brunch, it's already noon," he spoke softly, looking over and his phone.

My eyes widened, "it's noon?" I questioned, making sure I had heard him correctly.

"Yep," he laughed, getting out of bed and dragging me up with him.

I groaned, after being pulled from the warm blankets. Even though it was hot outside, I was still comfy.

Luke laughed at my laziness, as we were walking down stairs to the kitchen.

"You've got all of summer break to lounge around, so you're not allowed to be lazy today," he stated, pulling me onto his back.

"What? Summer breaks started already?" I questioned, boy do I need to get with it.

"Geez, you're really out of it Al. Friday was the last day, breaks on now bitches!" Luke cheered, walking into the kitchen where Beau and Jai were seated.

"Fuck yes, how does a party sound tonight boys?" Beau suggested.

"Oh sorry, and girls," he laughed.

"Yeah sounds good," Jai, Luke and I agreed.


The party has been going for a good 2 hours now, and the boys house is packed.

I'm sitting with Liv, having a drink, when I see Jai approach us with a guy behind him.

"Al, Liv, this is a good friend of ours, Joey," Jai introduced, Liv and I both smiled and introduced ourselves.

He smirked at me, while Jai and Liv were in a deep discussion.

It literally took me 2 minutes to process all his features, and then it hit me.

Joey, my wonderful ex boyfriend who thought it'd be fun for him and his best friend to take turns on me for my first time, I had made it clear I didn't want it to mind you. I'm sitting within 2 feet of a boy I thought I would never have to see again, and I just found out his not only good mates with Jai, but most likely Luke and Beau to.

I felt disgusted just being in the same room as him. Immediately I stood up, nearly falling over causing Jai and Liv to both look up at me.

"Woah, how many you had Al?" Jai laughed.

"No no, only 1! I just need some fresh air," I quickly justified myself, and walked through the crowd of people.

I managed to reach the boys front yard without having anything spilt on me, only to realise the party seemed to only be in the house or out the back, probably for safety reasons or something. 

I turn on my heal to go back inside, realising I'm out here alone. However I seemed to run directly into someone's chest.

"Sorry, I-" Before I could finish my sentence, I look up to see Joey grinning down at me.

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