Chapter 17 | Making it offical

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2 weeks.

It's been 2 weeks and my mum still hasn't woken up. And as far as I know, no one has heard from or seen my dad.

I feel disgusting because I've only left the hospital twice for clothes and a shower at home instead of taking one here, and that's only because the boys talked me into it.

Speaking of the boys, I've only spoken to them briefly those 2 times. They've been trying to support me, but I just push them away. I can't justify myself, I love them but sometimes you just need to be alone, and this was one of those times, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss Luke like crazy.

I run my hand through my hair, tugging it lightly in the process. Looking down, I start playing with the necklace my mum had given me on my birthday. As I sit brushing my finger over the sterling silver, someone knocks on the door. I turn my head slightly as the door opens and Jai appears, I simply turn away to avoid eye contact.

"That's not gonna work this time Al, you can't just push us away, we want to help you through this and we miss you so much, especially Luke. Between you and me, I think his going mad spending this much time away from you. His just trying to give you space though."

I smile slightly at the thought of Luke missing me as much as I miss him, it's nice to be reminded that you're wanted.

With my lack of response, he continues. "Please just come stay over for a while, it'll do you some good!" Jai pleaded, but I almost lost it at his words.

"It's not going to do me any good Jai! Don't you get it? I've been staying here because she is the only person I have left! I never even really had a father, I have no siblings, relatives, no one. If she's gone then so am I." My voice cracks towards the end of my outburst and the room once again falls silent.

Jai frowned as he processed every word that had just left my mouth.
I attempted to stop the sobs that unwillingly escaped, while running a through my messy hair.

He doesn't respond, he just makes his way over to me at a heavy pace and engulfs me in his arms, pulling me into his chest. "You have us," he whispers.

"It may not feel like you have anyone, but you have us. You'll always have us so please, please don't push us away." He begged, wiping a few tears from my crimson cheeks.

I pulled away slightly, smiling faintly and nodding slowly. "Thanks Jai."

I placed a soft kiss on my mums cheek, before allowing Jai to lead me out of the room. He informed the lady at the desk that I was leaving, since I'd basically been living here.

We walked outside and once the sun hit my skin, I felt so refreshed.
Jai opened the back seat of Beau's car and gestured for me to hop in, I greeted Beau and then pretty much rested my head on the window the entire way to the boys house.

As we pull up, there's a car parked in the driveway that I didn't recognise but I didn't ask questions.
Jai guided me straight up to the bathroom even though I was already very familiar with where it was. He placed one of Luke's hoodies and a towel on the bathroom counter, before giving me some privacy.

The water felt so relaxing running over my skin. I briefly washed my hair before shaving in all the right places, I hadn't had the chance to since I've been staying at the hospital.

I hop out and decide on air drying my hair. So I pull on some fresh underwear, pyjama shorts and Luke's hoodie, inhaling his familiar scent. I head straight to the twins room, closing the door and turning to face the first bed on the right. Luke slept peacefully, the room was quiet apart from his soft snores.
I study his features as I slowly make my way over to him, climbing onto the bed. One of his arms is resting across his chest while the other is stretched up behind his head.

I carefully lay down beside him, gently laying a kiss on his chest. He stirs momentarily before his beautiful brown orbs meet mine. I'm almost immediately pulled into his chest, I smile into the crook of his neck, "I missed you." I whisper.

"You're here Al, you're actually here," he grins. It was weird for the both of us, only seeing each other twice in the space of 2 weeks.  We pull back and stare at each other intently, he cups my cheeks and brushes his lips against mine, almost like he was savouring the moment, then our lips collided.

I lay back onto the bed as he hovers over me, one arm holding him up and the other pressed firmly against my cheek.
The kiss quickly turns into something more passionate, as his hand leaves my cheek and starts roaming my body. His lips leave mine only to move to my neck, my breathing becomes louder as I feel myself becoming aroused.
I suddenly feel his hand caressing the inside of my thigh but he stopped every time his hand moved lower, almost like he was teasing me. I attempt to say something, but the only thing that leaves my mouth is a moan.

He smiles against my neck, his hot breath leaving a trail of goosebumps. He finally lowers his hand, gently but roughly separating my thighs. My breath hitches as his hand moves over my underwear, his fingertips only grazing the fabric.
"Luke," I manage to choke out.
He pried his lips from my neck and his eyes locked with mine.
"Do you want me to stop?" He questioned, he sounded genuine and I knew if I said yes, he would instantly pull away. I didn't want him to stop though, I wanted more.

"N-no, please do something," I mange to say, gazing at his lips before making eye contact once more.
He smiled before connecting his lips with mine, his hand slowly moved to the top of my underwear, tugging on them slightly. I arched my back slightly, wanting more as Luke's hand moved down the front of the thin fabric.

He began rubbing slowly before picking up the pace, causing me to moan against the skin on his neck, turning him on as a small moan was dragged from the back of his throat.
He slipped one finger in, before adding another. He was hitting all the right spots, and I felt pure bliss.
I suddenly felt myself becoming weak, as I moaned his name earning a rather loud moan from him.
I reached my climax moments later, and his body gently relaxed onto mine.

He rolled over and lay beside me, I turned onto my side and kissed him sweetly before resting my head next to his on the pillow. I could feel his stare on me, so I looked up at him intently as he smiled down at me.

"Al, would you- um," he stuttered, trying to get his words out.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He blurted out, avoiding eye contact.

I felt a heat rise to my cheeks, I thought it was adorable how nervous he was. I cupped his chin, making him face me.

"I'd love to be you're girlfriend," I grinned, he kissed me on the cheek tried to look away, but it was obvious he couldn't stop smiling. He hung his arm across my stomach and pulled me into him.
"Come with me," he stated, no more then 5 minutes later, breaking the rather comfortable silence.

He stood up, pulling me up as well.
We walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where a woman stood with her back to us.
"Hey Mum, this is Ali, my girlfriend." Luke grinned.

The lady turns around, and she's gorgeous.
Her dark hair falls just below her shoulders, and her brown eyes remind me of Luke and Jai's.
"Hello love, oh Luke she's gorgeous!" She exclaims, wrapping her arms around me. I giggle and return the gesture.

"I'm gina, the mother of these 3 trouble makers," She laughs. "It's so nice to meet you Ali." She smiles.

"It's really nice to meet you to." I smile sweetly.
We take a seat at the table after she makes each of us a cup of tea. We talk about numerous things but I can tell she's choosing her topics carefully, being the boys mum I'm guessing they've told her a bit about me.

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