Chapter 16 | It finally happened

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I wake up and the smell of Luke's sheets engulf my nostrils. I lay there for what feels like hours just staring out the window, I'm not motivated today to do anything at all.
I hear the bedroom door open quietly, I don't bother looking but before long Luke appears kneeled down in front of me. I continued to keep my eyes focused on the window until he spoke up.

"How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" He questions. My eye dart to his before I even bother responding, I have no idea why he brought me back here yet his asking if I want anything to eat and how I'm feeling? No explanation or anything?
"Where's my mum Luke, why am I here?" I ask, looking him directly in the eyes.


I stare back at her, unsure of what to respond or if I should even speak up just yet. Is she ready to hear the truth? No one would be ready for something like this, but she deserved to know.
Her eyes looked sad and tired.
Once she found out I wondered how long it'd be until I get to see her pretty eyes, lit up and happy again.
I can't tell her, not right now, not yet.

I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead "get some rest," I whisper, standing up from my position.
She looked unbelievably tired, but not the kind of tired that sleep can fix.
I know she wanted to say something back, fight for the truth. But she doesn't have any energy and that saddened me.
Her eyes finally left mine much to my dismay, and she focused back on the window as I trudged out of the room.
I then made my way into the lounge, where Jai and Beau were seated.

"She's asking questions," I sighed into my hands, before running a hand through my hair.
Jai walked over joining me on the couch, he was half way through comforting me with his wise advise before we were interrupted by Ali standing in the doorway, playing with the ends of my jumper she was wearing.
I look up and our eyes lock. "How are you feeling?" Beau questions.
"Fine," she replies bluntly, she's not herself today I can tell.

"Can I go home, or am I not allowed to or something? Does my mum even know I'm here?" Al questions.
I exchanged a look with the boys, before looking back at her then down at my hands.
I knew she was standing there patiently waiting for a response which she didn't seem to be getting.
"Al come sit, we need to talk," I speak up, but she doesn't move an inch.
"Just tell me what's going on, you're all acting weird,"  she states.

Jai spoke up before anyone else could, "it's your mum," Beau glanced at him momentarily before looking at the floor.
"What about my mum?" She continues.
I feel a pang of guilt wash over me, probably because I know this news is going to break her.
"S-she's in a coma Al," I say softly.
She doesn't respond, she just stands there processing the words that just rolled off my tongue. He had finally turned on her mum.


My throat goes dry, and I can't choke out any words to respond.
The events that had taken place this morning, fighting, screaming, the sound of this smashing, the very thing I had always dreaded has happened.
Before my mind can catch up, my legs were moving, running.
Before I knew it I was at home, running up the stairs. I burst through my bedroom door and pulled on the first thing I saw, a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain shirt, leaving my converses on I ran out the front door, and didn't stop until I reached the hospital.

I'm a hot mess when I arrive. I immediately run to a bathroom and throw up, clearly dehydrated.
A nurse rushes over to me when I exit, and asks if I'm okay as she hands me some water.
The only thing I can get out is my mums name, which the nurse manages to understand in between my pants.
I'm shown the way and I rushed over to my mum and looked over her broken pale body that lay before me, I almost broke down right then and there but I manage to hold myself together.

The nurse walked me to the bathroom closest to my mums room so I could wash my face and cool off, she turned on the fan before leaving me alone with my thoughts and my mum in a state I'd never thought I'd see her in.

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