Chapter 20

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2 updates in one night because I haven't updated for a while, and I'm niceee x

Luke's POV

"Hurry the fuck up, you're the one who wanted to get out of the house!" Beau shouted from downstairs.

"Then where the fucks my phone?" I shout back, running down the stairs only to rummage around down there.

Beau sighs before walking over and falling back onto the armchair.

I walk into the kitchen and check the bench but no luck.

"Oi what's this? I just sat on it" I heard Beau yelled from the lounge, I rolled my eyes. How did I not see it?

I walk in to see him on my phone with his eyebrows knotted up in confusion.

"What?" I question, walking towards him.

"Are you talking to Ali again?"

"No?" I reply, I take my phone from his hands only to find that she had called me and left a voicemail.

I hesitantly unlock my phone to listen to it, as I put the phone up to my ear it starts playing.

"Luke," I almost instantly pick up on the fact that she's crying, which makes all kinds of nerves run through my body.

"You're probably so tired of hearing this, but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, for everything. I dragged you into my mess, my problems, and my life. And you deserved so much better then me. I really can't do this anymore, the one thing I want, I need right now.. that'll make everything seem better then what it is, I can't have. And that's you. To be wrapped up in your sheets with you all night, and have you tell me it'll all be okay. Please talk to Liv, she'll tell you the truth behind J-joey. I know you've seen my bruises and marks lately, and I can see you trying so desperately to stay away because you know just as well as me, that it's for the best. I wouldn't of hurt you like that in a million years if I had the choice, so please believe what Liv says. It's the truth and it's time you heard it, I'm just sorry it's to late to hear it from me, not that I expect you to get sad over me anyway. Tell the boys I said thank you for everything as well. Goodbye Luke, I- I love you,"

By now my face was pale. I had a sickly feeling in my stomach, and I felt like I could pass out.

"Woah Luke, what's wrong?" Beau questioned, running over to me as I stared blankly at my phone.

He took the phone from my hand and I let him. I froze, I was trying to process what I had just heard.

I watched as he listened to it, the same emotions taking over his features.

"Are we ready?" Jai asked, walking into the room.

"Luke, are you alright?" he asked, noticing something wasn't right.

Beau almost dropped the phone, and he looked so panicked.

"What the fucks happening?" Jai said, louder this time.

I suddenly found my feet running out the door, and up the once familiar driveway.

I started banging on the front door after finding out it was coincidentally locked.


"Al, open the fucking door" I screamed, I was soon pulled back by a pair of strong arms.

I almost threw a punch until I realised it was Jai. I watched intently as Beau scrambled on his knees looking for the spare key.

He jumped up after pulling it out from under the mat and unlocked the door, I could tell he was stressing but I couldn't even think straight and it feels like we're taking hours to get to her.

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