Chapter 14 | Please don't go

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I was woken from my slumber by shouting, I looked around the room trying to adjust to light coming in from the window.

Realising I wasn't in Luke's room, memories from last night came flooding back.

I turn my head to see Beau's body moulded against mine, and his head resting in the crook of my neck.

I sighed, I had no idea what I was doing right now. I then realised Beau's door open, I'm sure we had it closed last night.

The shouting that had woken me, started back up again and I realised it was Luke's voice that filled the house.

"No Jai let me go, go fucking look for yourself!" Luke shouted.

The shouting was quickly replaced, with loud footsteps coming toward Beau's room.

My eyes immediately locked with Luke's as he stormed in the room, Jai following behind. He was clearly angry and to be quite honest, it was scary.

"Beau get the fuck up!" Luke's voice filled the room, he was furious.

I quickly sat up, causing Beau's soft snores to come to an end, signalling he'd woken up.

I don't know how he slept through Luke's shouting from down the hall, I mean it woke me up but maybe he's a heavy sleeper.

Beau quickly sat up and removed his hand from my stomach, realising his brothers were in the room. His eyes locked with Luke's, and he looked panicked.

Everything was silent, there wasn't much to be said. Actually there was a lot to be said, well explained but I think Beau was at a loss of words as well.

I turned to Beau, it's like he read my mind and he nodded slightly, giving me permission to tell Luke about the events that took place the night before.

"Luke we didn't do anything that was real bad last night," I said softly.

"So you didn't fuck my brother?" He spat.

"No!" I said a little louder.

"Well judging by the way you two woke up, something obviously fucking happened!" he stated, raising his voice again.

"We kissed," I said, barley a whisper. But obviously Luke heard because if looks could kill, Beau would be dead right now.

"You fucking kissed her, you cunt!" Luke yelled.

I flinched, the way he was yelling reminded me of my father. The veins on his neck were clearly visible. Before I realised it, Luke's fist was flying towards Beau's face.

Thankfully he dodged it, and Jai quickly jumped in and held Luke back.

"Luke calm down!" I shouted, placing my hand on his shoulder.

His body tensed then instantly relaxed, I felt so guilty. I had something good going with Luke, but of course I fucked it up.

He ripped his arm from Jai's grip, and stormed out of the room. I didn't hesitate to run after him, I knew he was angry and it would probably be best to give him some space to cool down, but I couldn't leave it like this. I needed to know if whatever this is, is over, we have both admitted our feelings for one another but it hasn't gone anywhere from there.

"Luke wait," I pleaded, grabbing his arm. But he shook me off.

"You know, if you hadn't of over reacted like you did, I wouldn't of had to sleep in Beau's room, and he wouldn't of kissed me," I said, sounding way more bitchy then I had intended.

This made him stop, he turned around and looked me dead in the eyes.

"You didn't kiss him?" He questioned in a much more softer tone, this side of him I missed.

"No, I kissed him back though," I whispered looking down.

I could feel Luke's stare, as he didn't respond for a moment.

"Did you feel anything?" He asked bluntly.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I had to say.

"No Luke. Look, whatever this is, I've never had it with anyone before," I began, looking up so his eyes met mine.

"Joey, he wasn't as caring. He'd always have me all dolled up for him, but you? You love it when I'm in sweat pants, and your shirt that's clearly four sizes to big for me," I chuckled at the end, also earning a slight chuckle from Luke.

"I may have hurt myself, and upset you, but it was because I was alone, scared and hurt that night. But I found comfort in you, when I couldn't find it in anyone else. And I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me, and helped me through. And I know I've completely and utterly fucked this up, like I seem to do with a lot of things that are going good for me, but I just needed you to know that. You made it clear that you don't want me, and I understand that." I finished, feeling like I can finally breath again. I lent up and placed a gentle kiss his cheek, as he stared back at me blankly, with slightly glassy eyes.

I looked away, I didn't want to see him cry over me. I stepped aside, walking into Beau's room past the boys, who had kept there mouth closed, and grabbed my bag. I smiled a little towards Jai and Beau, as I made my way down the hall where Luke still stood, seemingly lost in thought.

His eyes connect with mine again "bye Luke," I say as confidently as I can, trying so hard to not let myself break in front of him. But I know he can see right through me.

I reach the bottom of the stairs, before I felt myself being pulled back and into a tight hug.

"You can't go, I forgive you and I'm so sorry for how I acted last night, I was such a dickhead. I can't loose you, you've taught me that the world can be cruel and how to care for someone. Please don't leave Al," Luke spoke softly, with me still embraced in his arms.

I inhaled his scent, while several thoughts clouded my mind. I pulled back slightly and looked up at his eyes, which were slightly teary and I could tell he was trying hard to hold them back.

"Luke I- if we're like this now, what's it going to be like if we one day move further? This is our second big fight in 2 weeks, and I wouldn't be able to handle just being friends with you, it would kill me. I just can't see how it'll work," I state, barely a whisper.

Luke stares at me, his eyes look so sad and I feel horrible.

"Al please, I'll do anything this can't be over," he responds, allowing a single tear to fall.

His words make me melt, maybe he does want this as much as I do.

"Okay," I say softly, causing his eyes to light up.

"So you'll stay, and we're okay?" He quickly questions, making me smile.

"Yes Luke, and we're fine," I state, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his head towards mine, until our lips connected. I feel him smile into the kiss, only making me smile more.


Hi, so my new book is up! It's called 'It's all about him' if you guys could go check it out that'd be amazing, thank you. x

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