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EROTIC SERIES #2: Vanessa Quinto

Jaeq Daeq. Everybody saw him as a serious, emotionless, and frigid man. He is the one who lacks emotional intelligence, believing that emotions have no place in work.

A renowned creator of pornographic sculptures. All the women tried to be persistent with him but none of them were successful. Who in the world wouldn't want to live the life of a popular, successful and ideal man?

Vanessa Quinto. Exceptional porn model, had a figure that every man would want; she was gorgeous, captivating, and enticing. Being able to fall asleep with someone in under a minute makes her eternally happy.

Although she has risen to become a strong and independent woman, her family is not flawless as everyone believes. The only inadequacy in her life is affection, things she neither needs nor has.

At these two people, an unexpected situation occurs. There will be a connection between two people who work in the same industry.

A familial tie forms between the well-known porn sculptor and model...? Will it be a harmonious or disastrous one?

Vanessa QuintoWhere stories live. Discover now