Chapter 15: US

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Percy sighed anxiously, his foot tapping onto the ground aggressively  as he waited for Allison to wake up. It was his fault, Nico was supposed to get Allison out but instead with him getting kicked off the ledge it didn't happen.

"For someone who hates this girl you sure do care a lot about her," Deaton muttered from the doorframe catching Percy off guard. "And don't you have a lacrosse meet tomorrow?"

"It's five hours away I can sleep on the bus," Percy shot back with a sigh. "Just because I can't..."

"Can't what Percy?" Deaton asked.
"Fatal flaw."
"You're almost a God now and you think that still matters?"
"I'm going to die in the next month please don't lecture me," Percy shot out angrily standing up and facing the vet. "All I need you to do is promise me you'll watch after them all."

"You know I'll do that Percy, of course," Deaton said softly as he grasped the demigods shoulder. "I don't mean to lecture. You're wise beyond your years, I don't know what it's like to have a countdown to the other side. I just want to make sure when you do go you have no regrets."

Percy nodded and considered the vets words as a ding from the front of the shop sounded out. Percy raised an eyebrow as he grabbed Riptide from his pocket and walked forwards. Turning the corner his eyes shined sea green as he saw who was in the lobby.

"Oh so this is going to be fun," Deucalion voices rang out as he stood infront of his pack. Percy flicked Riptides cap off and glared causing the twins to flinch.

"You have no business here," Deatons voice sounded out. "You should leave."

"Oh see that's precisely the opposite. You owe me Deaton from all those years ago. And who are you to decline saving someone's life?" Deucalion asked as Percys eyes found there way to Enniss being carried by Clarisse and Kali.

"At least I got one of you," Percy snarled.
Kali's eyes shot out bright red as she extended her fangs while Percy just smirked as he took a step forwards.

"If you're going to bluff son of Poseidon don't bother. If you could've healed the Argent girl you wouldn't be here," Deucalion stated swiftly his red eyes glowing from his sunglasses. A note Percy did not forget to notice.

"Do you think I really need my powers to have a chance with you?" Percy asked selecting his words carefully. "We can end this tonight just you and I."

"While a lovely jester, I respect Deaton to much to make a mess of his shop," Deucalion informed Percy. "How about a deal? I give you five minutes to run, or I let Frank let loose of that arrow that will kill the Argent girl, and as you know Frank will be able to hit through the small window. You know that Perseus."

Percy glanced backwards as Deaton reached out and crossed Percys chest.
"If you want me to operate, you give them ten," Deaton replied firmly. Percy felt a weight fall into his jacket pocket, he knew it was nectar. Percy continued to glare his knuckles turning white as he held onto his sword.

"Meet me in the middle Deaton. Seven and a half."

Percys eyes shifted into artic blue and the ground began to rumble slightly as he stared down Clarisse.

"You don't need a time limit," Percy snarled. "Do you want me or do you want her?"

"I want to kill her like you killed Chris."
"Clarisse. You did that to annabeth already, thought we were even."

"Clarisse Darling, he is right," Deucalion muttered.

"You get five if you just want me, I get twenty if you want her as well," Percy replied as he eyed Enniss and a tug he didn't even expect came flowing through him as Percy popped a blood vessel in the alphas leg causing him to roar out in pain.

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