Chapter Twenty Three : The girl who knew to much P II

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Final stretch
Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

A figure calmly walked across the small tunnel separating Beacon Hills High School from its sports faculty's, he patiently scrolled through all the information he had received through messages, and well connected the dots to the own data he had concluded over long nights. The Alpha Pact was split into two after the hybrids were cut down, yet the "Hale" pack stood little to no chance against 4 raging Alphas. Especially if Deucalion decided to show his fangs. And with the Demigods searching desperately for the location of the Darach the Teen Wolves we're left to there own devices.

Footsteps echoed in the tunnel below him, he paid no attention to them, in his current condition not a werewolf nor Darach could see or smell him. A neat trick he had learned after running with the wolves was how to mask his scent, the invisibility however was a product of his own power. He eyed the school seeing a woman running towards the tunnel.

"Ms. Blake?" He murmured to himself raising an eyebrow as his fingers reached lightly into his pocket wondering if he should strike now. Another voice shot out as he heard two people embrace underneath him, and Derek Hales voice rang out.

No, Derek will have to be convinced first before we can make a move. Plus I have to keep an eye on that annoying goddess.

He didn't spend much time eaves dropping, mainly rolling his eyes at Derek falling in love with suspect #1. The only thing that didn't add up to his hypothesis was the last full moon. She had been at the school, but two sacrifices had been made. Yet Mr. Harrison had been taken at school.

Yet according to the maps he had been scent on how the Darach seemingly traveled on currents, with the majority of them crossing over upon the school.

How fast can the Darach travel? Is using the currents faster then me?

The interaction below him ended and sea green eyes stared daggers into Ms. Blake's back as she hurried back to the school. Turning around he eyed Derek before a gust of wind sent a sea breeze through the air and Percy Jackson vanished.

Derek stopped a moment and glanced back for a second after not seeing anyone or anything, he figured looming full moon was messing with his senses.

It often happened since he had become an Alpha whenever Percy or Stiles did something involving there powers. Percy was still MIA, so he let out a sigh as he continued back to his car wondering what Stiles was up to.

Inside the school Scott marched up towards the guidance counselors office. Ms. Morrell, Deatons sister. Hearing only one heart beat inside he opened the door.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember having anymore appointments for today?" She stated as she placed some folders inside a file.

"You sure?" Scott asked in a frustrated manor a slight wolf growl erupting from his lips "Because I sure could use some guidance." Ms. Morrells eyes snapped towards Scott glaring at the werewolf as she angrily slammed the cabinet closed.

"Seems as if I have no choice," She muttered.
"Seems not," Scott sternly replied back shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Well, take a seat Mr. McCall," She muttered pointing towards the chair as she went and plopped down in hers crossing her arms. It was obvious to Scott she wanted control over this situation.

"We know the Darach is a former Emissary," Scott stated placing his hands on the desk. "We also know it has two targets one for revenge and one for power." Scott truthfully didn't know if the revenge one was true, but if he could get anything out of the Alpahas Emissary he would.

"Oh really? Revenge?" She stated rolling her eyes. "On who? The people of Beacon hills?"

"On your pack," Scott replied bluntly. "The alphas had to kill everyone in their packs correct? Including the emissary's... all except you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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