Chapter Seventeen: Motel California (part 1)

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I highly doubt
Y'all even know
What ima do for this

Even so I hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll see you soon!

"So this is the dump," Percy mumbled as he stared at the hotel complex that was under renovation. Which in his mind was annoying since it seemed it hadn't been touched since the 70s.

"Didn't you get turned into a Guinea pig once?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow at Percy.
"I also got blown up by a volcano and this place still annoys me more," Percy replied before walking off and grabbing a key from coach.

"I. Have. To. Know." Stiles muttered from behind Jason as he rushed off to grab his brother.

"Well I guess that leaves the two of us huh?" Jason asked awkwardly.

"Just follow them," Scott beckoned.


"So Percy?" Lydia asked as the two of them started to unpack nightly items for their hotel room.

"Yeah? What about it?" Allison asked confused.
"Going smoother then I expected," Lydia replied with a shrug as she sat down on the bed.

"I mean not really," Allison sighed plopping down across from her. "We've kissed once sure, but it's... he's so reserved now. He opens up then shuts down I don't even know what's going through his mind."

"This is the same guy who controlled how many hunters to turn there guns on there friends and pull the trigger?" Lydia stated with a raised eyebrow. "Same guy who could snap his finger and all of us blow up into little pieces because we're all made up out of water?"

"Are you afraid of him?" Allison asked confused narrowing her eyes. "You understand if you were stiles in that situation he would do the same for you right?"

"Yes," Lydia sighed staring down at her hands before he green eyes shot back up. "Allie. He is going to die. He kept you away because he's going to die. You forced your way back in, and now you're going to end up shooting your self when he goes."

"I love him!" Allison exclaimed.
"I know and that's so beautiful, but I want to make sure you're mentally prepared for him to be gone," Lydia sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair stressfully. "You're my best friend, I need to know how to help you! I need to know how to make sure I can still make you smile!"

Allison smiled lightly as she thought of her and Percy and she knew he was going to go. Maybe he deserved to finally find peace. But it did hurt her, how he accepted it.

"I don't know.. maybe I think he'll hold out and become a god," Allison shrugged.

"So he can make a demigod baby out of you and see you once a month?" Lydia scoffed shaking her head. "Percy isn't going to take that offer, either he's going to die forever. Or he's going to take a deal that gives him a chance, even if he comes back to all of us not really Percy."

"Chaos," Allison murmured.

"From what I've been able to gather, and also prove out of my mother... well my real mother won't talk but Aphrodite I suppose,"
Lydia said using quotation marks and a shrug. "Earth is the first thing she created, its precious to her. In order for Percy to be labeled guardian of it he will have to prove himself."

"Has he not already?" Allison asked.

Lydia bit her lip timidly as she grabbed Allison's hands.
"Allie. Why don't you ask her?"

"WHO chaos?" Allison asked confused.
"No- my.... My sister."

Allison's eyes widened as she suddenly understood what Lydia was saying.
"She- she.... She's not here;" Allison stuttered out. "I mean she died in Percy's arms I saw the vision."

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