Chapter Sixteen: Heal

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"Scott's not healing," Stiles voice whispered to Percy as he leapt over to his seat on the bus. Percy glanced over tiredly before leaning over and seeing his friend with his eyes out the window.

"He says it's because it's from an alpha but Isaac and Boyd are fine," Stiles muttered quickly. "I don't know what's going on."

Percy narrowed his eyes and nodded as he glanced towards Ethan who was sitting towards Danny.
We out number them now why are they taking this risk? Percy thought to himself before shaking the thought from his head as he eyed Scott.

"Have you tried healing him?" Percy asked lightly.
"Yeah, it only made the infection go away but he's still bleeding," Stiles stated worriedly.

"A water bottle may not do enough," Percy muttered. "We may need to stop, I know it's gross but we need water even if it is from toilet if the wound is a deep as the ones Isaac had earlier from the twins it may mean trouble."

"Okay, I'll try to talk to coach you talk to him okay?" Stiles replied.
"Yeah," Percy responded with a nod as they both shuffled from the bus seat.

Percy went and plopped down next to Scott with a huff. The beta tiredly trained his eyes away from the window and to Percy's worried eyes.

"Hey Perce," Scott murmured lightly as sweat beaded down his forehead.
"Stiles told me you're not healing right, what's up?" Percy asked.

"I- I don't know," Scott sighed as he glanced down at his side.

"Mental block," Annabeths whispered voice came piercing through Percys ears.

"Okay, well hey. To try to keep your mind off things let's talk," Percy suggested with a small smile.

"About what?" Scott asked lightly.
"About how when I'm gone, I think you need to be the alpha," Percy replied honestly unwavering as he stared into Scott's eyes. "Because of this." Scott glanced down as he stared at Percys finger tapping at the left side of his chest, his heart.

"And kill?" Scott asked horrified.
"No," Percy replied immediately. "I don't have red eyes, I think more so on the side of a strong voice. You're Derek's second, not because I chose it because he did. When I'm gone you have to check his worst impulses and with him, act on your own. You and Stiles make one hell of a team, I trust you both."

"I think I can do that," Scott said with a forced smile. "But Percy... how are we supposed to do this without you?"

Percy didn't answer as Scott's forehead hit the bus window.
"I can't do anything about it, but I think about how weak I was at the start. How stupid and blind, all of us! We forced you to use abilities and powers that you shouldn't have. And now they're draining away your mortality because we were to stupid and weak!" Scott continued his voice becoming emotional.

"I wasn't always strong either Scott," Percy replied gently. "I trusted someone I shouldn't had, who then cost countless lives."

"You were twelve," Scott sighed.
"And you were introduced to a world that should've never been opened to you, Beacon Hills was supposed to be a Haven. But with the demigods getting wiped out the scents let those monsters creep in. Plus you would've figured it out without me, just would've taken more time."

"Percy, we're going to die without you," Scott replied staring directly into Percys sea green eyes. "Without Percy Jackson we will all die."

"No, Scott. Without you guys I'm already dead."


Derek sighed tiredly as he held his wounded side as memories of the previous nights replayed through his head. Percy had killed more of them, brought a mall down by himself yet they were expected to keep going without him.

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