Chapter Six: The Traitors

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Percy glared at the emerging Alphas that came to face him. The two twins from the other night that now roamed Beacon Hills high. Clarisse stood with her spear at the ready cockily flashing her red eyes at Percy as he pressed Riptide closer to Drews throat. Then the other three well those were people Percy hadn't expected to see had hoped they had escaped and were still living. But no, no they stood there before him as traitors.

"Reyna aren't you a sight for sore eyes, and well Chris lovely to see you switching sides again did you convince her this time or did she convince you?" Percy spat out angrily as his eyes made there way towards the back where one hybrid was looking down ashamed. "And you- you I can't believe you're here standing infront of me Frank. What would Hazel think?"

"You don't know what it's like Percy, you can't understand what you don't know," Clarisse shot back at him with a snarl. "We did what we had to in order to survive so demigods like you wouldn't come hunt us. We had to make a point, we had to make them know that we aren't to be touched."

"Yeah tell that to Grover and Annabeth," Percy snarled angrily his eyes glowing sea green his voice full of emotion resulting in Reyna and Frank to share a nervous glance. "Tell that to Will! Tell that to Connor and Travis! TELL THAT TO ALL THE DEMIGODS I BURIED AT CAMP HALF-BLOOD! YOU WERE OUR FRIENDS WE TRUSTED YOU!"

"You can't win against all of us Percy, why do you think we came here? Not to kill you but to turn you," Chris shot out towards him. "We're all that's left we should survive together."

"I can't what?" Percy asked his voice deathly calm and still sending a shiver down the six alphas that stood before him. Drew muttered through her gag as if she was trying to tell her friends that he had bathed in the Styx again but it was no use.

"Why don't you just give up," Clarisse shot out.

"See I can't do that. The reason Drew is still right here breathing right now is because well you have my friends. And more importantly you have Jason," Percy replied. "Figured this demigod hybrid alpha skin walker could be worth a son of Jupiter."

"If you think we're giving up Jason you're wrong," Reyna spoke up for the first time. "You should have known it wouldn't be that easy."

"Oh I didn't," Percy remarked with a shrug. "If there was one thing I learned from my wise girl is that well, we should always have a plan." The alphas seemed confused for a moment before as if on cue from the shadows a semi truck came spawning out of thin air. The alphas barely had time to react as it slammed through the front doors and into the middle of the bank.

"Yeah see we should have really caught up more," Percy remarked as he trudged forwards with Drew still in his grasp as he stared down at Clarisse who was attempting to get up as Nico and Jackson sprung out of the semi and started attacking the alphas. "In summary Clarisse. I've waited for this moment for two years, dreamed of it, ached for it, craved it. And I'm tired of waiting to know how good this is going to feel."

Clarisse eyes widened as Percy kicked Drew to her knees infront of him and slammed Riptide into the daughter of Aphrodite's heart.


"Are you sure it's right here?" Scott asked
In a hushed voice as he and Derek uncomfortably shifted between the walls as they tried to locate where the vault was.

"Three heartbeats," Derek whispered as he pointed to the wall. "It's either them or alphas and we're running out of time to know which one."

"Alright fine," Scott agreed as he clenched his fist and prepared to slam it into a stone wall. "On three."

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