Chapter Three: Seventeen

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So this got really long and I never expected the birthday party to like grow into over 3000 words but it did because this story is gonna be one of
Those expanding and crazy ones I guess. But it's gonna be fun and I hope you enjoy the ride.

Percy crouched next to Nico both of them staring at the building that Isaac had wandered into a few nights ago. According to Nico it was abandoned, waiting for someone to take up the property. It seemed to be a bank before which did cause some trouble for Percy and his allies. Where a normal abandoned building couldn't hold werewolves or demigods, a bank that's is trying to be so secure has procedures to make sure it wouldn't be robbed. Even meaning if the Alphas got the power working, electronic locks and keypads.

"I don't like it," The son of Poseidon murmured running his hands through his hair as Nico took a few photos.
"Doesn't look fun," The son of Hades replied with a shrug before he looked Percy in the eyes. "I don't know how, but they've kept Jason captured and stuck for the last two years."

"Is he one of them?" Percy asked his voice wavering not wanting to believe one of the Seven would allow themselves to turn to such madness.

"Not that I know of," Nico replied before letting out a heavy sigh. "Look, it's been two years anything could happen. Patiently they've been looking for you and to use Jason into bait to bite and turn you. What they don't know is that you have the curse of Achilles again- which plays to our advantage."

"Yeah either they break thee teeth on me, and if they find the right place and I die immediately," Percy replied with a shrug.

"Yeah but they can't," Nico replied shaking his head.
"I've been stabbed in the back before," Percy reminded Nico.
"But you didn't make it your back this time," Nico shot back as his hand nudged the small piece of armor that laid rested in Percys armpit. "Learned from Luke huh?"

"It's a smart place," Percy clarified. "And with this armor there they don't have a chance at hurting it. It's whats leftover from that suit Peter almost malled Stiles in, might be bent and bruised up but the armor isn't  damaged."

"Yeah- it was nice while it lasted I suppose... hey Perce?"
"Yeah man?"
"I have this theory and I don't know if it's right.. I don't know if it makes sense. But what if Jason hasn't escaped- not because he's turned but because he's being told not to?" Nico asked.

Percys glanced at Nico before staring at the building wanting to do nothing more then attack it, and slaughter all the alphas inside. That wasn't an option not yet, with three hostages inside Percy lost his leverage, if he was going to take all the alphas on he would have to do it where nothing could be used against him. Even so, he wanted to make side those captured made it out alive.

"Aphrodite said Jackson was her last child," Percy replied with a shrug. "Wouldn't be surprised if she was lying about that since every Olympian disowned the traitors."

"So what if he's being told to stay there? Convinced to be there? Forced?" Nico offered. Percy bit his lip in frustration not wanting to believe what Nico was suggesting. Even though no name had been spoken they both had an idea of who they were thinking.

"We got lucky with Isaac, Jackson now that he's cured isn't a threat... the demigod and the bite don't mesh well so a drastic change in personality like Clarisse is fully on the table," Percy spoke as he turned his back on the building. "And yeah she wasn't there."

"How immune are we to charm speak?" Nico asked with a wince.
"Not as good as we should be," Percy mumbled as the two vanished one shadow traveling and the other dissolving into a misty breeze.


"Common!" Stiles complained throwing his hands up in frustration as the two walked down the street. "It'll be good for us!"

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