Chapter Twenty: Memories

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Remember to like and comment if you enjoyed the chapter. We got a lovely plot twist coming soon I wanna know what you think.

Percy stared at a door, with more fear then he had ever been before. He had no idea what to expect, but none of it was a warm welcome. He had been to afraid to visit, to afraid to update, to afraid to face reality after he learned the truth of his fate.

A cry of a baby echoed, and he could hear a women shushing lightly. His out stretched hand was near millimeters from knocking on the door, but he had no strength to knock. His father must of told them, what he was doing, what all that happened... what was going to happen to him. A tear fell down his eye as he remembered his mothers smile, and the little sister he never got to meet.

He took a shaky breath as more tears began to fall down his eyes as his hand fell down from the door, before reaching out to his key chain. And lifting up his spare key. This was his home... he shouldn't be afraid of having to face his family. Closing his eyes he slowly inserted the key and unlocked the door.

He quietly walked into the apartment, closing and locking the door behind him. Taking a few hesitant steps he walked through the entrance hallway. Percy stopped and felt a smile come to his face, as he saw his mother lightly laying a baby in her crib.

"Paul is that you?" Sally asked lightly. "I'm
Just putting Estelle down for a nap!"

"Estelle," Percy sighed out as he felt tears starting to now free fall from his eyes. His mom whirled around her eyes wide, he knew she would never forget his voice.

"Percy?" Sally breathed as she walked forwards lightly.
"Hey mom," Percy cried weakly. "I'm sorry it took me so long to make it. But I- I brought something!" He ripped his back pack
Off his shoulders and kneeled down before pulling out a shiny blue sea shell.

"Percy, it's beautiful," His mother replied lightly before embracing him into a hug that Percy wished could have lasted forever. "Where
Did you get it?"

"Bottom of the ocean by California," Percy said gently with a shrug. "Figured she could use something to remember me by."

"Remember?" Sally asked confused her eyes widening before looking up. "Where have you been?!"

"So dad didn't tell you then," Percy sighed as
He felt the weight of the world suddenly on his shoulders.

"He told me about what happened at camp
Half blood, and that you had an important mission.... I just thought you would've kept your mother involved... but I see you have an A in chemistry so that's a plus," Sally muttered.

"I... I wanted to," Percy admitted.
"There's something happening to me," Percy sighed deciding not to sugar coat it.

"Did you get a girl pregnant!? Perseus Jackson you are only eighteen!" Sally exclaimed in a hushed whisper.

"No, mom!" Percy exclaimed holding his head falling into his hands.
"What is it then, that you couldn't see me for this long?!" Sally asked holding her hands on her hips, as tears were threatening
to spill From her eyes. "I've been worried sick about you!"

"I know and I'm sorry, I should've never put you through any of this but... I'm faced with a terrible choice," Percy stated as tears started to flow rapidly from his eyes. Sally's tense demeanor instantly changed as she saw the dread in her eldest child's face. She rushed forwards and embraced him.

"Percy, my sweet, brave boy, what is it," Sally asked.

"I'm becoming to powerful, my blood is turning to ichor the more I use my power and pretty soon my mortal body won't be able to withhold the power I hold," Percy explained. "Seems I don't have a choice about becoming a god."

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