Off The Payroll

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Brooke opened her eyes as a feminine voice said her name, trying to wake her up. Her hazel eyes opened to see a woman and a man hovering over her, she glanced at their uniforms and recognised them as paramedics.

"Brooklyn? Can you hear me?" The woman asked her and she nodded back. The female paramedic then turned her attention to something else. "W-What happened?" She murmured, this time the male paramedic replied. "You and your friend got ambushed by some soldiers, you two took some pretty hard hits" He gave her a basic answer of what had occurred hours before.

She then remembered Casey, Brooke sat up, much to the chagrin of the male paramedic, to see Casey being checked by the female paramedic. He had one of his wrists wrapped in gauze bandaging and a few bruises across the side of his face.

Taking in her surroundings Brooke realised they were still inside the police van but it had been stripped. She didn't need to think too hard about who may have cleared out the van. Bebop and Rocksteady.

"W-Where are we?" She asked the male paramedic who was still checking her out for injuries. Under the G.W. Bridge" He simply replied.

The two paramedics patched up their minor injuries while continuing to check for any major injuries until the two officers were given the okay. Since the police van was parked so far away from both Brooke and Casey's homes, the paramedics did agree to drive them home.

Before getting inside the ambulance, Brooke checked the front area of the police van to see if her bow had been nicked by the felons as well. To her great surprise, her bow was still in the front seat on the passenger's side. Grabbing her crossbow she sighed out of relief, she guessed that Bebop and Rocksteady didn't consider her bow to be a valuable weapon for them to take.

As they rode in the back of the ambulance a message would occasionally come through on the service comms in the front of the ambulance. Brooke and Casey didn't speak for the majority of the ride, still in disbelief at what had happened just hours prior.

They pulled up to Brooke's apartment. Thanking the paramedics and bidding Casey goodnight, she walked through the apartment's lobby. She kept her head down, not wanting anyone to question why she was covered in cuts.

Taking the elevator up to her and Ellie's floor, she sighed from the absolute mess she had just been involved in. Having no idea how she was going to explain to Ellie what had just happened.

Reaching her floor level, she opened the door to her apartment. Barely having time to close the door behind her, she was quickly greeted by Ellie embracing her. "Brooke! Oh my god, are you okay?" Ellie asked as she tightly held on to her sister.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay El" Brooke reassured her, although she knew it wouldn't be much of a comfort. Ellie then spotted the cuts on her face, instantly kicking up her worry meter by at least twelve.

Ellie looked over the cuts, checking out how bad they looked. Seeing the expert way that they had been patched up, she felt relief knowing that her sister had been taken care of by the proper professionals.

She sighed. "What the hell happened?" She queried.

"The Foot ambushed us," Brooke said. "Their plan was to break Shredder out of custody, and they damn well succeeded" She grumbled.

Stomach dropping, Ellie's eyes widened. Her breath shuddered as her sister's words set in. Shredder, one of the most notorious criminals New York had seen in recent years, was now loose in the city. And Ellie knew that once the rest of New York heard about that there would not only be fear within the streets but also riots as civilians wondered if the police could in fact protect them from the Shredder and the Foot clan.

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