Bonne Bouche

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Throughout the rest of the week, Brooke adjusted to her new role of Lieutenant. It was still a lot to take in at times, considering she had gone from the youngest recruit on the force who was barely taken seriously to a deputy officer in a matter of days.

She felt pride. Both for simply being offered the role and for proving to not only Chief Vincent but to any other senior officer in the NYPD that she could handle big tasks and not fumble with them, like some rookie.

Brooke wasn't the only one who was thrilled about her new role. Ellie, her parents and Casey had all expressed how overjoyed they were for the young brunette to have been offered such a high-ranking position at her humble age.

Ellie had wanted to celebrate her sister's achievement with a special dinner, but Brooke was never one for big events so she denied Ellie's offer. So they had compromised to simply celebrate with ice cream for dinner instead.

"Brookie listen, we never tell anyone about how much we spent on ice cream, okay?" Ellie inquired, fishing out multiple tubs of Ben & Jerry's ice cream from the freezer.

Brooke chuckled. "Yeah, especially mom. She'd kill us" She joked, knowing this was something that they would take to their grave. And they meant that too. The exact amount they had spent on all the sweet frozen food would likely make anyone raise a brow.

The two girls relaxed on their sofa. Brooke propped her feet up on the coffee table and opened up a tub of Strawberry Cheesecake, while Ellie simply sat cross-legged on the couch and reached for the Ben & Jerry's tub of Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

Switching their TV to Netflix, the sisters lazily decided on a movie. Mostly for background noise while they overindulged in the delicacy.

It was nice for the two sisters to simply enjoy their own company. Both loved spending their nights together, it never failed to remind them of when they were teenagers. They'd hang out in their shared bedroom, staying up way past midnight as they binged on pizza and sugary snacks.

A knock on the door interrupted their ice cream gorging. "Oh, are we expecting guests?" Brooke asked, taking another spoonful of ice cream.

Placing down her tub of gelato, Ellie quickly stood to answer the front door. Behind the door, she was pleasantly surprised to find April and Casey standing on the other side.

"Oh, hey you guys" She warmly greeted, quickly inviting them inside.

Seeing April and Casey walk into their apartment, Brooke grinned. "Hey, it's my favourite reporter and former colleague" She declared.

"Hey Katniss" Casey teased her with one of her favourite nicknames that people sometimes called her, courtesy of her similarity to the fictional character. At least in regard to her archery talent.

"Hey, Jonesy-Moansy" Brooke taunted back.

Laughter erupted from April and Ellie. While Ellie went to sit back down on the couch with Brooke, both girls turned on the sofa to face April and Casey who stood just behind them.

"What's with all the ice cream?"

The two sisters caught each other's eye, being unable to hold a straight face after making eye contact they then erupted in hysterics.

Managing to regain her composure for a moment Ellie explained. "Uh, no reason?" She barely managed to get out before Brooke's continuous sniggering caused the older twin to return to her previous laughter.

April and Casey couldn't help but softly smile at the sisters' laughing fits.

"So, anyways, what brings you two here?" Brooke then asked, scooping out another spoonful of ice cream.

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