Personal Favour

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Brooke walked through the sewers, one of her hands gripping the strap of her backpack that was flung over her shoulder.

Sunlight peaked through into the gutter, courtesy of the sewer grates. She had donned a black halter top, dark blue straight-legged jeans with a plain jacket tied around her waist and simple sneakers to top off the outfit.

Typically, Brooke didn't carry bags. But before she had gone to work, she had stopped by her favourite archery range for a quick practice to keep on top of her skills, something she had done consistently less of since becoming lieutenant.

So she had utilized an old backpack she once used for school to carry her quiver and arrows. Her bow was too big to fit, so she carried it in her other hand instead.

Her archery equipment wasn't the only thing that the backpack held, inside a black binder were messily organised papers that held all the information that the police currently had on the Foot clan soldiers that were still loose within the city.

With their leader still missing, the Foot clan didn't really have many motives aside from finding the Shredder and causing minor havoc in the city for the task force to clean up. But that didn't mean that they weren't to be taken any less seriously.

Because of that, Brooke's free time had been violently cut in half. Meaning she barely had any time for her archery or to see her friends, so today she was going to make the most of the time that she had.

Reaching the Lair entrance that she knew well by now, Brooke was surprised to find the main area of the underground burrow deserted. It was an odd sight to see the usually lively Lair completely bare.

Walking further into the Lair, she heard the sounds of metal clanging and grunting coming from one of the far rooms in the Lair.

Brooke rightfully assumed that the turtles were busy training. At first, she wanted to not bother them but her curiosity and interest in seeing how the large terrapins trained to protect the city and those within it quickly peaked and she had to see their ninja tutelage for herself.

Following the sounds of vocalisation, they lead her to a room that was situated near the back of the considerably sized Lair. Racks of weapons hung on the walls and the space was divided into several specialised zones, each catering to different aspects of combat training.

The overall atmosphere exudes a mix of professionalism, intensity and discipline ensuring that every moment the four brothers spent here is maximally productive. Each brother appeared to be engaging in different physical training exercises. Using their own tactics and strategies to improve their skills and complete their routines.

She also saw Splinter standing back watching his sons as they trained. Quietly, which was not something in Brooke's nature, she walked up to the elderly rat. "Hi" The archer greeted, trying to be discreet about her presence.

Splinter turned to her, having heard her long before she even entered the training room courtesy of his excellent hearing. He didn't seem bothered by her appearance in the room, the mutant rat politely greeted her.

"Hello, Brooklyn"

His use of her full name surprised her, considering Brooke wasn't even sure if he did know her name at this point.

"Hi," She greeted, rather quietly for typically loud brunette. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything" She alleged.

The turtles were still too enthralled with their individual training, to notice her presence just yet. Splinter shook his head slightly at her. "You are fine, child" He reassured Brooke.

Relieved that she wasn't barging in while the turtles were training, Brooke moved and knelt down next to Splinter, placing her bow down on the hard concrete ground.

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