Tartaruga Brothers

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The turtles and April had managed to drag Casey, Brooke and Ellie down to the Lair without any more trouble. But to say they weren't surprised by where they had been brought to would have been the biggest lie.

In the sewers of New York, an underground burrow lay where the turtles had apparently lived their lives. Ellie and Brooke found themselves amazed by what they saw, but for vastly different reasons.

Brooke was astounded that the underbelly of New York City could house four mutant turtles without anyone suspecting anything. But then again, Brooke had seen first-hand that New Yorkers didn't pay attention to anything else happening around them.

Meanwhile, Ellie marvelled at how lively yet secluded the Lair felt. Concrete pipes flowed randomly throughout the entire Lair while many of the walls were half covered in classic New York style spray paint. Ellie had never found the art style appealing, but that didn't mean others didn't.

Neon lights in every colour were planted throughout the Lair, casting their hues against the wall they were plastered on. Following a small stream of water, Ellie found a slide that they had which seemed to connect with the sewer, most likely to make it easier for the turtles to arrive back to the Lair.

She stood just beneath a recycled chandelier. With balloon whisks and construction lights hanging above a pipe top that was surrounded by dozens of unlit candles, it had clearly been repurposed from what they could find within the sewer.

Ellie's face glowed as she stood underneath the chandelier. She was always able to see the beauty in something. Even though others may not see what she saw, beauty was always in the eye of the beholder.

While she was lost in her daze, Donnie had apparently discovered something about the purple ooze. "If this purple ooze was injected into Bebop and Rocksteady's bloodstream, it's feasible that were I to pinpoint a singular isotopic signature, I may be able to use it to track their location" He admitted.

"If we find them, we find Shredder. Put them all in shackles" Casey added.

Mikey then kicked the soccer play he had been playing with up to Raph, who was up on one of the pipes performing sit-ups on them. "And as long as we all have our hockey masks and bows, what could go wrong" He joked, popping the soccer ball whilst poking fun at Brooke and Casey.

Brooke laughed at his words. "That was a good one. You guys are funny, really funny" She jested, picking up on his tone.

"Seriously? Now I'm taking wardrobe advice from a bunch of swamp things, living in an underground amusement park, and have, forgive me, the most pretentious names ever" Casey proclaimed, clearly not finding Raph's teasing as funny as Brooke did.

April, jokingly, took offence to his words. "Excuse me, I named them" She avowed.

Casey raised a brow before turning to Brooke. "Brooke back me up on this" He insisted, causing her to chuckle. "Casey, you must be mistaking me for someone who would care about something like this" She quipped.

Realising he would receive no help from Brooke, Casey decided to try Ellie. "Ellie, come on, you're the rational one here" He tried again.

Hearing her name snapped Ellie out of her daze. Turning her head towards him, she realised once again that almost all eyes were on her. Despite the tiny fright that it gave her, she quickly pulled herself back into the unfolding scene.

"I'm sorry what are we talking about?" She asked, anxiously playing with her fingers.

"Casey wants to know what you think of their names" Brooke simply replied, nodding her head back to the four turtles.

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