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Ellie, Ivy, Harper and Carol were all racing around the gallery, double and triple checking that everything was set up for the showcase tonight.

The artists were said to show up in just a few minutes, to review the layout Ellie and Ivy had set up and then the showcase would officially be underway. The caters that Harper had hired had also shown up, half ready with entrees such as blue cheese tarts and cherry bruschettas while the other half held trays of elegant wine, prepared for the hoity-toity members of society that were said to be arriving in a little bit.

The four women were dressed exquisitely, in fine outfits with high heels that would surely give them blisters by the night's end. Ellie wore the new dress that she had bought specially for the showcase, an ivory cream strapless dress with red floral detailing.

Although she was sceptical if she'd be able to wear it, seeing as it was definitely more of a Summer or Spring dress, Carol reassured her that thanks to the heating system inside of the gallery she likely wouldn't feel cold throughout the night.

As each of the artists arrived, they looked over the layout that Ellie and Ivy had put together. After receiving the green light from the artists on their layout, Ellie's nerves began to calm slightly.

She desperately wanted to call Brooke, mostly to check if she was still coming. Honestly, the young brunette had been so busy that she hadn't had time to ask Brooke whether or not she was still free to show up, knowing that since she had been moved up the pecking order on the police force she'd lost a lot of the free time she had previously had.

Soon, the upper crust of New York began to file through the doors. Filling the room with wealthy socialites who looked over every piece on display from paintings to sculptures. They intermingled with each other and the four women working tonight.

Offers on pieces were slow in the first few hours, so Ellie and the rest of the staff were able to have a calm before the storm where biddings would be made in every direction, every second.

Ellie stood with Harper and her girlfriend, Molly. The three of them contentedly conversed, occasionally being pulled away by one of the artists when an offer was made on their work.

"So Ellie, how's your romantic life going?" Harper teased in her typical fashion. She meant no harm with the question, which Ellie knew.

Her dark brown eyes rolled playfully at Harper's question. "I don't have the time for one, Harper" Ellie proclaimed. "I have a full time job and a Brooke, that leaves very little time for anyone else, much less a partner" She affirmed, causing the couple and herself to laugh.

She may have been fudging the truth ever-so-slightly. While yes, her job and sister did take up a large portion of her time, Ellie also had a lot of free time to herself. Which as of recently, had been spent down below the surface of New York, inside the sewers with the turtles.

Although, Ellie knew she couldn't ever admit that to Harper. Or anyone else.

"Ellie!" Brooke's booming voice then called from across the room. Ellie turned to see her sister standing near the front door, waving her over.

Excusing herself from her conversation with Harper and Molly, she made her way through the crowd, apologising politely as she pushed her way through people. Finally reaching her sister she warmly embraced her, relieved that she had made it.

"You look fucking hot" Brooke gushed seeing her sister all dolled up.

She shrugged. Glancing down at her sister's attire she was relieved to see that Brooke was indeed in line with the dress code. She wore a simple, yet elegant, black suit. Ellie could even see her classic lace-up boots hidden underneath the long pants.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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