Lieutenant Miller

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Brooke pulled up to the stationhouse on her motorcycle, parking the vehicle in the same spot she always had before walking into the station with her head held high as if she owned the place.

The atmosphere of the station was bustling and her senses were immediately immersed in the symphony of ringing phones, hushed conversations and the occasional siren echoing in the distance.

She greeted the familiar faces she knew as she looked for Chief Vincent. As Brooke rounded the corner of one of the station hallways she almost ran right into Jade.

"Hey Jade, do you know where Chief is?" She inquired, knowing that if anyone could point her in the right direction of where Chief Vincent was it would be Jade.

Jade nodded. "Yeah, just continue down the hallway then take a left and she should just be around the corner" She pointed down the corridor, indicating to Brooke where to go.

Thanking Jade, Brooke followed her directions. Turning the corner, true to Jade's word, there was Chief Vincent looking over some files that another officer was showing her.

Waiting until they were done, Brooke stood off to the side as she waited for Vincent to finish up with one of her other officers. Once they did, Chief Vincent quickly noticed the young brunette leaning up against the wall.

"Ah, Brooklyn, good to see you" Vincent greeted.

"Hey, Chief" Brooke replied.

They exchanged in a cordial discussion. Their dialogue flowed effortlessly, filled with a mutual respect that had this conversation taken place a few weeks ago Brooke was sure wouldn't be shown to her.

"Well, there is actually something that I would like to discuss with you in my office" Vincent then announced. "If that's alright with you?" She added. Not that Brooke could've or would've said no to whatever her boss wanted to discuss with her.

Agreeing, they made their way through the station house to Chief Vincent's office. Brooke marvelled at the room, Vincent's desk was situated in front of large panel windows that offered an exquisite view of the city that surrounded the station.

Brooke sat in one of the chairs across from her desk, while Vincent rounded it in order to sit in her black leather chair.

She fished some files out from one of the desk drawers and leaned her arms on the desk before beginning. "Well, Brooklyn, I'll get straight to the point. We'd like to offer you the position of lieutenant" Vincent revealed.

Brooke's jaw fell slack, that was not at all what she had been expecting. "Y-Your serious?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Vincent confirmed. "As I'm sure you know, the role of lieutenant is typically given to those with at least a decade of experience in the field, I don't think we've ever given such a role to someone so young before" She added.

"But, after seeing your capture of Bebop and Rocksteady and following several long conversations with myself and some of the other captains, we've decided to give you a chance" Vincent admitted.

A few chuckles escaped Brooke's lips. "I can't take all the credit for the capture of those two maniacs, Casey also played a massive part in it as well" She corrected, giving Casey his credit where it was well deserved.

Vincent nodded. "I understand that you and Jones were both responsible for the capture of the two felons" She agreed. "But as I'm sure you know, he has chosen to not return to the task force. Therefore, I can only offer this promotion to you" Vincent added.

Brooke's mind was racing like a wild stallion unleashed. Thoughts whirled around her head, colliding with one another and jostling for attention. Her mind was a ceaseless storm of activity, a tempest of imagination and curiosity as she seriously thought about Chief Vincent's offer.

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