Unlikely Allies

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The afternoon had been incredibly slow at the gallery for Ellie, only a few clients came in, seeming to be interested in a certain piece only to decide at the last minute they didn't want it.

Although Ellie loved her job, she had to admit it was customers like that, which made her want to pull both her own hair out and the patrons.

Thankfully, Carol, having seen the bullshit Ellie had dealt with in the afternoon, decided to let her go earlier than she normally would and she would close up the gallery for tonight.

"Goodbye, Ellie" Carol waved to the brunette.

"Bye Carol, and thank you again"

Exiting the building, Ellie began her walk back to her apartment. Scrolling through her contacts she clicked on Brooke's name, holding the phone to her ear as she heard the sound of the device dialling.

Casey's Dodge Cat Challenger pulled up to the curb on a street just below the TCRI building, Brooke watched as he got out to check the trackers on Bebop and Rocksteady while she remained sitting in the passenger seat.

Earlier in the day, they had made pitstops at both of their apartments to grab the items they felt would best help them on their mission. Since being dismissed from the department, they no longer had access to any firearms or any other weapons that would've been more effective than what they currently wielded. So they had to make do with what they had.

So Brooke had pioneered her trusty bow and arrows, she had also changed out of her regular street clothes and into an archery suit she had purchased a while ago, although she currently wore a grey checkered trenchcoat overtop of it. While Casey had opted for his hockey stick and pucks, remaining in his street clothes.

Two taps came from the driver's side window prompting Brooke to hop out of the black vehicle. "We got them?" She asked, slamming the door shut. Still holding the GPS, Casey pointed up at the TCRI building, there Brooke saw bright lights coming from one of the top floors.

She smirked. "Oh yes, bitch"

Casey then popped open his car's trunk, handing Brooke her bow and quiver that was filled with arrows. "So are you gonna do this in a trenchcoat?" He quizzed her. Setting her weapons onto the roof of the Dodge, she ripped the checkered patterned coat off, revealing the purple archery suit she'd been wearing underneath.

"No, Casey, I'm not" She avowed as she threw the coat into the car. Casey didn't respond to her sarcasm, instead pulling out one of his hockey sticks and some of his pucks.

Cars honking their horns made the two turn their heads to see a girl running across the street without looking for the incoming traffic, coming within mere inches of being hit several times. "Holy fuck, that bitch has a death wish" Brooke remarked while Casey rummaged through his black bag for one more thing.

He slipped on his white hockey mask, Brooke had constantly joked about how he looked like Jason Voorhees with it on, which had earned her a nice smack across the back of her head from his hockey stick on more than one occasion.

"Ready?" He asked her.

Nodding, she said. "Let's do this shit."

Not far from TCRI herself, Ellie sighed when her second attempt at calling Brooke resulted in her being sent to voicemail again. It was odd, Brooke always made sure to answer when she called, or if she didn't she'd send a text that would tell Ellie to call back later.

Having her head down and looking at her phone, made Ellie a left turn into an alleyway, internally debating with herself if she should attempt to make one more call to her sister.

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