The City's Best Hope

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Chief Vincent had brought what seemed to be half of the officers of the New York Police Department to where April had said the turtles would show up. All officers were armed with firearms, waiting for any sign of the turtles.

Ellie and Brooke stood just behind April, both girls occasionally glancing up at the sky as more pieces of whatever was building in the sky flew overhead.

"You're sure they're coming?" Chief Vincent then asked April.

"They're coming" She confirmed.

The two manhole covers in the alleyway were opened, and the four brothers climbed out from the sewers below. Leo and Mikey hopped out from the first one, while Raph and Donnie came out of the one just behind it.

Rising to their feet, the four brothers slowly inched their way towards the officers at the end of the alleyway. As the officers continued to aim their firearms at the four terrapins, they raised their three-fingered hands, doing their best to come off as non-threatening as they could.

"Hold your fire" Vincent ordered, her gaze not leaving the turtles.

Chief Vincent stepped closer to the turtles, followed by April, Casey, Ellie, Brooke and Vern. "What are you?" She inquired

"We're not really into labels" Mikey affirmed as he lowered his hands.

Leo then interjected. "Some call us freaks. Monsters" He added.

"Let's just say we're four brothers from New York, who hate bullies and love this city" Raph recited, giving her his own personal description of who he thought they were.

Donnie then turned to Chief Vincent. "And right now, we're the city's best hope" He enunciated.

At his declaration, Chief Vincent scoffed. "Why should I believe you?" She demanded, obviously not trusting their words.

Able to pick up on that fact, Leo spoke again. "You don't have to take it from us" He countered her previous statement. "Take it from him" He declared, pointing over to Vern.

Vincent turned to Vern, even more confused.

"Go ahead, Vern. Tell her about the arrangement" April implored.

"What arrangement?" He lightly chuckled.

Glancing over to the brothers, Raph cracked his knuckles, Leo glared at him while Mikey and Donnie simply stared at Vern.

"Oh, that arrangement" Vern conceded. "Look, the Falcon is still the Falcon" He reassured himself more than anyone. "I just may have gotten by with a little help from my friends" He admitted.

"These four are the ones who took Shredder down the first time. I was kind of more of a wingman"

Leo then interjected. "We've been doing our part to protect this city from the shadows" He added. Suddenly more debris flew above them, the speeds at which the large pieces soared through the air caused heavy winds to blow into the streets below.

"And we think we have something to offer," Leo remarked. "We're gonna need-" He tried to continue but was cut off by Raph stepping forward. "Strategy" He declared as he placed his hand out.

"Instinct" Leo added, quickly placing his hand on Raph's.

"Logic" Mikey continued following his older brothers and adding his hand to the pile.

Donnie topped off the pile with his hand. "And boatloads of heart" He finished as the four brothers' hands were all stacked on each other. They released their hands into the air slightly.

The police force jumped into action with officers filling up in cars or inside the large police van. "Load up" Vincent yelled at her troops.

Casey made a beeline for his car, followed closely by Vern. As they hopped in the car, the three girls quickly rushed over there as well.

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