Young But Fierce

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Brooke woke up holding one of her pillows to her chest. Her bedding and blankets were a mess from her tossing and turning throughout the night, she had never been a relaxed sleeper.

Her phone rested on her nightstand, vibrating as she received a notification. Groggily extending her arm out to grab the phone, she saw it was reminding her to be at the police station by two o'clock.

The time on her phone read that it was already almost eleven. Part of her longed to stay in her bed, to soak in the warmth for a little bit longer. But she knew all too well that if she did so she'd never be out of it in time for work. So, begrudgingly, she pulled herself from the bed.

Trudging over to her drawers, she pulled out a heather purple top and a pair of black leggings. She also pulled a black leather jacket on top. Whereas Ellie's closet was filled with pastels, fun prints and designs. Brooke's closet consisted mainly of dark hues and harder textiles with leather being a common item.

Hastily pulling on her boots, she grabbed her keys, bow and arrows. She made her way down to the parking lot situated on the apartment's ground floor. Parked in the far corner of the lot was Brooke's motorcycle. 

Some people wondered why she needed a motorcycle when she had a perfectly fine car to drive, but Brooke had seen first-hand how bad New York traffic and drivers could be, but with the smaller and quicker two-wheeled vehicle, she'd found that it was more effective to travel by motorcycle.

Strapping her bow and arrows onto her back, she then zipped out of the apartment's parking lot and began her drive to her favourite archery range. The one she had been going to since she had first taken up archery.

Her drive to the archery range felt quicker than it actually was, having driven the exact route several times. She parked her bike and removed her helmet, her dark brown ponytail blew in the breeze slightly as she draped the helmet over one of the handlebars.

Strolling through the front door, she exchanged a quick greeting with the employee behind the desk. Stepping outside, there were only two other small groups of people testing their hands at archery. Brooke walked over to one of the stations whose targets were further away, more of a challenge.

Pulling one of her arrows from her quiver, she readied it in her bow. While the archery range did offer bows and arrows for people to use, Brooke had always brought her own. Aiming her now-loaded bow, Brooke took a few deep breaths before she released the arrow.

Letting the arrow fly, it hit the target directly in the centre. Bullseye.

She smiled. Anyone who saw Brooke shoot would rave about her expertise and how flawless she made it look. And while Brooke was flattered by the compliments she had received ever since she had taken up archery, in her mind, she was merely average at what she did.

Ellie had actually pointed out Brooke's hypocrisy several times in the past. While Brooke would enthusiastically praise Ellie's work and attempt to build up her confidence in her ability, she would deny any comments Ellie, or anyone really, tried to make about her archery talents, she truly was just as humble as her sister.

An hour quickly passed of her hitting nothing but bullseyes on each target she used. At one o'clock she collected her arrows, placing them back inside her quiver, before strolling out of the range and walking over to her motorcycle.

Pulling out of the parking lot, she zipped down the busy streets, paying little attention to the other drivers around her. Eventually, she did reach the NYPD stationhouse. Parking her motorcycle outside, before walking in.

Quickly getting through security, she made a beeline for the locker room to change into her uniform. There she always kept a spare uniform just in case she didn't come in wearing her other one. She pulled her bow and arrows off her back and placed them inside her locker before changing.

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